Prompt Treatment Speeds Healing After a Car Accident Injury, According to Dunedin Chiropractor

DUNEDIN, Fla., May 17, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Wolstein Chiropractic and Wellness Center in Dunedin, FL is raising awareness about the importance of prompt treatment for car accident injuries. According to Dr. Karen Wolstein, many patients suffer chronic back pain and neck pain due to the buildup of scar tissue following an accident injury. Prompt treatment ensures that the underlying injury properly heals, which minimizes scar tissue. Dr. Wolstein uses chiropractic care to restore alignment to the body. She frequently combines adjustments with complementary treatments like massage therapy, which may help promote internal healing and naturally relieve pain.

According to Dr. Karen Wolstein, car accident injury patients should seek immediate treatment for proper injury diagnosis. Many patients delay seeking treatment because they do not experience pain until weeks or months after the accident. This can lead to the buildup of scar tissue, which may exacerbate back pain and neck pain.

"A car accident can cause serious trauma to the musculoskeletal system," said Dr. Wolstein. "Unfortunately, many accident victims walk away with only a few bruises, and mistakenly believe that they are uninjured. It's not until weeks or months later that chronic pain can develop. The best way to avoid this pain is through prompt diagnosis and treatment."

Whiplash is one of the most common injuries, affecting thousands of Americans each year. This car accident injury occurs when the force of a rear impact whips the cervical spine forwards and backwards. According to Dr. Wolstein, fender benders at speeds as slow as 5mph can cause whiplash-related injuries.

"When the cervical spine is out of alignment, injury victims can experience chronic migraines and headaches, in addition to neck pain," said Dr. Wolstein. "Some patients report difficulty concentrating at work as well as disturbances in normal sleep patterns. Sore and stiff muscles can make turning the head or even looking over the shoulder incredibly painful."

Dr. Wolstein treats whiplash injuries through a combination of chiropractic adjustments, corrective exercises and therapeutic massage. Spinal adjustments are designed to restore alignment to the cervical spine. Corrective exercises and deep tissue massage may help restore flexibility and movement to the shoulder and neck muscles, while also relieving pain.

Patients who sustain a herniated disc in a car injury may also experience sciatica. "Some accident victims may suffer a herniated disc when the pelvis is prevented from moving with the rest of the spine. If the herniated disc puts pressure on the sciatic nerve, individuals may experience a radiating pain in the lower back, legs and buttocks," said Dr. Wolstein.

The wellness center uses a combination of adjustments and physiotherapy to relieve sciatica back pain. According to Dr. Wolstein, TENS therapy (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) can help promote internal healing for injured tissue.

The Dunedin-based practice serves patients in Palm Harbor, Clearwater, New Port Richey, and Tarpon Springs. Information can be found at,

Wolstein Chiropractic and Wellness Center

