Ebook Publisher and Retailer TheWriteDeal to Distribute Spain's Atmosfera Literaria

Agreement Enhances TheWriteDeal Status as Fastest Growing New-Generation Publisher and Distributor, Widens Atmosfera Literaria Appeal and Retail Options

NEW YORK and MADRID, May 21, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Innovative bilingual e-book publisher and retailer TheWriteDeal and Spanish publisher Atmósfera Literaria, SL announced today the start of a distribution deal, a move that both companies say will increase sales and brand awareness for the Madrid-based publisher among audiences in the United States.

"TheWriteDeal's radical publishing model, its sustained investment and growing reputation on the Spanish e-book market makes it a natural partner for us," said Luis Felipe Díaz Galeano, CEO of the Madrid-based Atmósfera Literaria. "We came on board not just for the chance to increase our U.S presence, but also because it makes commercial sense".

"We are two fast-growing companies promoting literature in the new digital century. TheWriteDeal maintains a worldwide platform, which we lack, and so it presents new and exciting opportunities. It's simply the best fit for us and a great deal", added Díaz Galeano.

The agreement initially covers the release on the TheWriteDeal's own independent retail platform, www.thewritedeal.org, of 12 original titles from Atmósfera Literaria to be made available to readers over the next months. The first three works from the Spanish publisher are expected out later this week.


About TheWriteDeal

TheWriteDeal is the fastest growing new-generation e-book publisher and distributor. The company markets and curates original e-books and digital book excerpts, or e-leafs, in English and Spanish. It also runs a self-publishing series, Blue Leaf, in both languages. It publishes exclusively electronically, presenting works of any length and at any stage of completion to be read at leisure on a reading device or computer. There are no print options.

Publishers interested in TheWriteDeal distribution offers, please send email queries to twd@thewritedeal.org.

For partnership or general inquiries, please email partnership@thewritedeal.org or visit www.thewritedeal.org

About Atmósfera Literaria, SL

Atmósfera Literaria launched in September 2011. It publishes Spanish-speaking authors worldwide writing in Spanish both digitally and in print. The company has already completed its 2012 book production plans and projects the release of some thirty titles by 2014. Atmósfera Literaria is constantly on the search for bold new manuscripts. Works accepted for publication are marketed worldwide to both print book and e-book consumers.

To contact Atmósfera Literaria, please send an email to info@atmosferaliteraria.com or visit www.atmosferaliteraria.com

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