RHR International Research: What Great Senior Executive Teams Do Better

Disciplined Focus and Efficient Decisions are Vital for Superior Performance

CHICAGO, May 30, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Can Chief Executive Officers consciously create a senior executive team that operates measurably better than its peers in the same industry? A new research study from RHR International indicates that it is not only possible, but essential.

RHR International recently introduced the concept of an Aligned Superior Senior Executive Team (ASSET™) as the benchmark for the CEO's top-level advisory group. Based on a detailed analysis of data from 200 senior teams (Senior Team Effectiveness Survey™ Results), RHR International has isolated seven Key Success Factors that differentiate an ASSET™ from a lower performing team.

In a three part series of its thought leadership publication, Executive Insight, RHR International looks at each one of these elements, provides insights into why they matter and offers suggestions on how they can be developed and used to turn an organization's senior executive team members into an ASSET™.

In Part I (Design & Leadership), the process began with the CEO, who must know why the senior executive team exists and how to purposefully design (or redesign) it for maximum effectiveness.

In Part II, high performing teams learn how to develop a Disciplined Focus that safeguards the agenda against unsuitable items and enhances the group's capability to make Efficient Decisions.

"Most senior teams struggle with what is truly important – for the enterprise, functions and/or business units they lead – and for themselves as a team," said Dr. Juleen Veneziano, RHR International's Research Consultant and leader of the study. "In our study, 93% of the ASSET™ members polled said that their team was highly effective at prioritizing the most important issues."

"After protecting the integrity of the agenda, making high quality decisions on the items that do make it through the filter may be the most important thing that senior teams do," said Dr. David Astorino, RHR International's Global Practice Leader - Senior Team Effectiveness. "These choices impact much of what gets attention, time and money in the organization."

For details, download the complete issue, entitled "Make Your Senior Team an ASSET™ – Focus & Decisions."


We are a firm of management psychologists and consultants who work closely with top management to accelerate individual, team and business performance. We focus on five key areas of client need — Executive Selection and Integration, Executive Development, Senior Team Effectiveness, Management Due Diligence and CEO Succession. We have been proven difference-makers for more than 65 years, unique in our combination of top management focus, psychologists' perspective and high-level business acumen.

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