New York Times Bestseller Makes More Money Open-Publishing With

NEW YORK, June 5, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --, the leader in open-publishing, announced today that David Thorne, New York Times Bestselling author of The Internet is a Playground, has broken the sales record from his first traditionally published book with his newly open-published title, I'll Go Home Then; It's Warm and Has Chairs, originally released March 15th, 2012. Thorne has made more from his new book in two months than he did in three with his previous title and projects Thorne will surpass his sales revenue by 43 percent by June 15th of this year.  

Thorne, best known for his satirical collections of viral emails such as "Please Design a Logo for Me. With Pie Charts. For Free," ultimately made the switch to and open-publishing for more control and a quicker speed to market.  

"For my first book, the publisher took a lot of control over the layout.  I was not happy with the typeface.  I hated the cover. I had no say over any of that," says Thorne.  "By self-publishing with Lulu, I was given the freedom to put the book where it should be - where I want it to be.  You have the option to do what you want.  The whole process for me only took about 48 hours."

While Thorne appreciated the marketing and promotional help he received from traditionally publishing his first book, he realized that most of the sales came from his own efforts.

"The three main problems I have with traditional publishing is the time it takes from final draft to publication, the time it takes to receive royalties, and the time before you even know how many books you have sold," says Thorne.  "For six months, I had no idea if I had sold 100 or 100,000 copies of my book. With Lulu, I found that control was given back to me; the process is quick and simple, and the stats are readily available. This leaves me more time to write."

Thorne will be appearing alongside other bestsellers including congressional candidate and political author Kevin Powell and marketing/tech guru Scott Steinberg at Book Expo America June 5th - 7th at the Javits Center in New York, NY, where he'll be signing copies of his new book at booth #3476.  Copies of Thorne's new book will also be on sale at the BlogWorld NY closing keynote on June 7th as well.  To learn more about open-publishing opportunities at and to buy David Thorne's new book, I'll Go Home Then; It's Warm and Has Chairs, visit:  

About, founded in 2002, is a one-stop shop where, with a few clicks of a button, anyone can publish anything as a print book or eBook for free and sell it to customers all over the world.  Lulu has helped over 1 million creators publish in over 200 countries and territories.  Creators set their own price and keep full creative and copyright control over their works.  With over 1.2 million titles in their catalogue, Lulu is the clear leader in open-publishing solutions.

AJ McDonald 

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