Indican Pictures Books "The Agent"

Action packed, stunt filled movie, hits DVD July 3rd

Martial Arts Action "The Agent"

Indican Pictures new release of "The Agent" available on July 3, 2012

LOS ANGELES, June 19, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Indican Pictures, has secured exclusive rights to the national release of the new martial arts action film "The Agent". The Stunt People are a pretty familiar name around most martial arts boards online and their newest film shows some pretty serious skills, and a willingness to sacrifice the body and entertain fans.

"We were attracted to the film when we saw a demonstration at Comic-Con by the actors in real life. They had great charisma and we feel the film will really hit the sweet spot for martial arts fans" said Randolph Kret, VP of Indican Pictures. "'The Agent' is non-stop wall to wall action, with crazy stunts mixed with over-the-top humor."

In the movie, disgraced CIA agent John Law has hit rock bottom after blowing his latest assignment. Forced out - he lands back in his hometown of San Francisco working as - a tour guide. On his first day Law meets a sexy, mysterious Asian woman and a quirky Foreigner when everything goes to hell – both are kidnapped! Turns out the foreigner -- is actually the son of a dictator sent to find a stolen tape that must never see the light of day. Now racing against time, Law must find the tape, keep the son alive, save the girl and defeat an entire crime syndicate! "The Agent's" notable martial arts are performed by The Stunt People (MTV Movie Award Winners), against the lush backdrop of San Francisco.

The film was the Winner of Comic-Con's Best Independent Action-Adventure film and the film stands out for one other reason – the entire stunt crew including the leading man did all their stunts without wires! The only performers in American films to do that other than Jackie Chan! So check out this exciting, funny, electrifying martial arts extravaganza on DVD! | |Twitter @IndicanPictures

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