Back 2 Back Chiropractic in Dunwoody Helps Expectant Mothers With Pregnancy Care

DUNWOODY, Ga., July 29, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Expectant mothers in Dunwoody will be relieved to know that a local chiropractic center offers adjustment and massage services to help relieve discomfort and help ensure a healthy delivery. Back 2 Back Chiropractic practices a specific type of adjustment known as the Webster technique, which helps correct musculoskeletal issues that not only aggravate back pain, but can also affect the developing fetus's position in the womb. The clinic supplements this technique with pregnancy massage to promote health and aid in pain management throughout a woman's pregnancy.

According to Dr. O'Hara McKenna, one of two chiropractors at the clinic, many different factors cause physical difficulties for the expectant mother. "The most obvious symptom of pregnancy, weight gain with a growing belly, places a lot of strain on the spinal column. Your weight distribution gets thrown off its normal balance, and this shift can cause misalignments in the vertebrae," she explains.

Muscle strain from this shift in alignment contributes to back pain, neck pain and other issues. Additionally, hormonal changes can cause headaches and other discomforts during pregnancy. She notes that a regular program of gentle chiropractic adjustment and gentle massage therapy can help with back pain management and relief of other symptoms. Pregnancy massage, performed with great care and gentle pressure, aids in relaxing sore muscles, boosting circulation and reducing swelling from fluid buildup.

But chiropractic pregnancy care accomplishes more than just pain management. "If your spine has a misalignment while you are pregnant, you may develop a condition known as intrauterine constraint," says. Dr. McKenna. In this condition, the asymmetrical balance of the mother's body interferes with the fetus's ability to move around inside the uterus. This situation can prevent the fetus from assuming a head-first position for delivery, leading to a breech birth and the need for a Cesarean section.

To help prevent these issues, Dr. McKenna has extensive training in the Webster technique, an adjustment method originated by Dr. Larry Webster now commonly used in pregnancy care. The Webster technique can make it easier for a baby to shift position in the womb in time for a healthy, normal delivery. The chiropractor points out that the technique carries an 82 percent success rate in alleviating the misalignments that promote intrauterine constraint, making it highly valuable for women who wish to avoid a C-section or other complications.

Even after delivery, Dr. McKenna and her associates at Back 2 Back Chiropractic continue to work with both mothers and their babies. "We can help new mothers strengthen and rehabilitate themselves," she says. "We even correct delivery-related misalignments in infants. We're dedicated to helping new families enjoy a lifetime of good health."

Back 2 Back Chiropractic provides a wide range of chiropractic and complementary therapies, including traditional spinal adjustment, spinal decompression therapy, auto accident injury and sports injury treatment, pediatric care and geriatric care.

