Jive Gives Marketing Teams High-Powered On-Demand Collaboration, Leading to Increased Sales

Jive for Marketing Teams Lets Marketers Connect and Work Together More Efficiently -- Internally and Externally

PALO ALTO, Calif., Aug. 7, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Jive Software, Inc. (Nasdaq:JIVE), the world's largest pure-play social business provider, today introduced Jive for Marketing Teams, delivering the power of Jive's latest social business platform in a turnkey solution designed specifically for marketers. Jive for Marketing Teams lets teams connect and work together more efficiently than ever before with internal colleagues and external partners such as agencies and contractors, allowing them to drive leads, build better brand awareness and reduce operational costs.

"Marketing is collaborative by nature, but for too long, marketing groups have had to depend on fragmented point solutions and non-social tools like email and SharePoint," said John F. Rizzo, Chief Marketing Officer for Jive Software. "The difficulty of coordinating all the teams and people involved in a typical marketing campaign puts a big strain on budgets and schedules. With Jive's new solution, marketing organizations now have one seamless, highly interactive environment where they can sync up and work closely with all key participants, inside and outside the firewall. This will transform cross-functional collaboration, dramatically improve campaign execution and lead to improved sales performance."

In today's economy, marketing teams are being asked to do more with less to drive revenue, and Jive for Marketing Teams dramatically decreases the amount of time it takes to get programs delivered to market. With Jive's solution marketers can develop a program, solicit feedback and incorporate that feedback much more quickly, leading to increased efficiency and revenue. Jive also allows today's geographically distributed workforce to be more productive, replacing status meetings and emailing with a unified virtual workspace where teams can collaborate in real time to get programs to market rapidly.

Key elements of Jive for Marketing Teams include:

  • Extended team collaboration: marketing teams are often made up of internal resources, external agencies, contractors and other groups. Jive's External Groups capability lets marketing teams securely collaborate with everyone in one workspace, sharing only materials relevant to that group.
  • Document sharing: upload documents into your secure workspace for everyone who needs to review, as opposed to emailing documents around and risking version control issues.
  • Document collaboration: give specific people permission to edit presentations, assets and other content without the use of email. Comment inline, and mark up documents without the need to download them.
  • Mobile access: access to conversations and documents from any mobile device.
  • Sales and Channel enablement: as campaigns are rolled out, enable your sales channels through Jive to inform them and let them ask and answer questions in a public environment so the whole team is up to date. This dramatically decreases the time it takes channels to adopt new programs.

Thanks to Jive's new External Groups feature, Jive for Marketing Teams lets users easily create groups for each project and invite both internal colleagues and external partners with a click. The system is secure and private: group members only see the people, places and content that they have been granted access to. External Groups are ideal for a wide range of common marketing activities, such as:

  • Coordinating ad, PR and branding campaigns with team and agency partners.
  • Preparing responses to requests for proposal (RFPs) and submitting them to prospective clients.
  • Evaluating acquisition targets and preparing due diligence with finance or strategy teams.
  • Collaborating with external consultants on new market research for a brand.

UBM plc., a global business media company that informs markets and brings the world's buyers and sellers together to do business successfully, has seen consistently improved business results while using Jive. The company's 6500+ employees located in 42 countries around the globe focuses on serving and connecting professional communities such as IT professionals, doctors, game developers, journalists and jewelry traders. Jive was deployed four years ago as a platform to help change and facilitate the way the company did business and collaborated. For example, UBM TechWeb, UBM's technology-focused division which serves business and technology markets, is utilizing the Jive platform to collaborate and manage the 250+ Marketing Services client programs it oversees every month. Previously, many programs were managed individually via email and spreadsheets without a collective platform for diverse teams to view, organize and interact with colleagues and critical information. Jive has allowed UBM TechWeb to work faster, more efficiently and to concentrate on the quality of delivering revenue-generating marketing programs, on time and on budget.

"Jive's social business platform has influenced our culture and is shaping the way we do business at UBM TechWeb," said Scott Vaughan, Chief Marketing Officer for UBM TechWeb. "UBM's Jive-powered network – internally known as the Hub – has helped us to eliminate extra noise and quickly rally resources across our organization to deliver scalable programs and serve our customers much more efficiently and effectively."

Jive for Marketing Teams is available on Jive Cloud August 10, 2012. For more information, please visit http://www.jivesoftware.com/social-business/solutions/marketing-and-sales?utm_medium=pr

To learn more about how current Jive customers are using the Jive for Marketing Teams, please visit http://www.jivesoftware.com/social-business/solutions/marketing-and-sales/results?utm_medium=pr

JiveWorld 2012 is coming October 9-11, 2012 in Las Vegas, NV. Attendees will learn social business best practices from a diverse base of Jive customers, and will have access to a wide variety of case studies, hands-on training, and customers giving demos of their own Jive implementations. Register here.

About Jive Software

Jive Software (Nasdaq:JIVE) is the world's leading social business provider. We bring social technology innovations from the consumer world into enterprises securely and at scale, changing the way work gets done. Our platform combines the power of big data, enterprise integrations and social collaboration technologies. Millions of people at the world's largest companies are using Jive-powered networks internally and externally to transform their businesses. For a free trial of Jive's next-generation social business platform, please visit Try Jive.

