Scottsdale Chiropractor Recommends Chiropractic Care for Neuropathy Treatment

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz., Aug. 12, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Scottsdale chiropractor Dr. Daniel Secrest announced that his practice has had great success treating patients suffering from chronic illnesses and neuropathy. Using different chiropractic techniques, Dr. Secrest performs full-body adjustments that help restore proper nerve activity. According to the chiropractor, a misalignment in the body can cause pressure on the nerves, which interferes with normal nerve activity. This pressure can cause numbness and organ dysfunction, which may lead to chronic illness. Dr. Secrest uses chiropractic care to relieve pressure on the nerves and restore whole body wellness.

Chiropractor Dr. Daniel Secrest, the owner of Secrest Family Chiropractic, PC, is raising awareness about the benefits of non-invasive treatments for pain management and whole body health.

According to Dr. Secrest, a misalignment in the body can negatively affect how the nervous system operates. The nervous system is comprised of two main areas: the central nervous system, which consists of the brain and spinal cord, and the peripheral nerves. Damage to any of these nerves can cause the loss of movement, sensation or other functions.

"Since the peripheral nervous system is not protected by bones, it is at risk for accidental damage," said Dr. Secrest. "An accident injury can cause a misalignment that quite literally 'hits a nerve,' causing compression and compromised nerve function. This can impact the body in a number of ways, including numbness, chronic pain, and organ dysfunction, which may lead to illnesses."

According to Dr. Secrest, the key to treating neuropathy is to correct the underlying misalignment. Once the body is properly aligned, bones and soft tissue will no longer compress the nerve. Consequently, nerve function will cease to be compromised. Without mechanical adjustments, Dr. Secrest warns that patients may experience chronic pain and illness throughout their lives.

"Helping the body to heal begins with addressing the underlying problem," said Dr. Secrest. "My approach to treating chronic illnesses and neuropathy is different from traditional medical care, which uses medication to 'cover up' symptoms. I treat the problem."

Dr. Secrest uses a combination of hands-on adjustments, including the Koren Specific Technique (KST), to treat compromised nerve function. During treatment patients stand, sit or walk to recreate the position in which they experience pain. This allows Dr. Secrest to better identify and treat the underlying cause. In addition to a spinal adjustment, Dr. Secrest may also recommend massage therapy for enhanced pain relief.

"My goal is to promote internal healing and accelerate my patients' return to wellness," said Dr. Secrest. "From back pain to sciatica, chiropractic makes a huge difference."

Dr. Secrest treats Scottsdale, Tempe and Mesa patients.

