Omaha Chiropractor to Give Talk on Ergonomics and Computer-Related Health Issues

OMAHA, Neb., Sept. 2, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Dr. Justin Eiler of the Chiropractic Health Clinic of Millard will present on "The Computer and Your Health" at the Millard Branch of the Omaha Public Library on Monday, September 10, at 6:00 p.m. Seating for the workshop is limited, so registration is required by calling 404-444-4848. The Omaha chiropractor will discuss ways to set up and use computers and office equipment ergonomically to help people avoid work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs), workers compensation and personal injury situations. According to Dr. Eiler, consistently improper use of computer equipment can lead to neck pain, back pain, wrist pain, headaches and eye problems.

As a chiropractor, Dr. Eiler says his main goal is helping people optimize their posture and the way they move their bodies to prevent injuries and pain. The upcoming talk at the Millard Branch of the library will focus on demonstrating how people can arrange their computer work stations, either at home or at work, to reduce the incidence of repetitive motion injuries and other computer-related WMSDs.

Dr. Eiler explains, "This workshop will give people the knowledge they need to avoid hurting themselves in front of a computer so they save themselves all kinds of lost work time and pain."

According to Dr. Eiler, his Omaha chiropractic care clinic treats cases of computer-related pain every week. "There are millions of people who sit in front of their computers all day—and the vast majority of them don't have their work station set up to allow for proper posture and neutral positioning of their wrists, arms, shoulders, neck, etc. Laptop users are particularly vulnerable because the keyboard is usually not ergonomic, and users have to strain their necks down to look at the screen. If you slouch in front of a computer all day in a position that is not natural for your body, muscle and eye strain, back pain, neck pain, wrist pain, headache and other aches are inevitable."

Dr. Eiler discusses carpal tunnel syndrome as an example of one common computer-based WMSD, or repetitive motion injury. He says that if the position and design of the keyboard does not allow for the arms, wrists and hands to stay in a neutral position during long hours of typing, this can cause inflammation inside the wrist. This inflammation of soft tissues presses on the median nerve that travels through the wrist, causing pain, tingling and numbness in the wrists and hands, making it difficult to continue working. He adds that improper back and neck posture for long periods of time at the computer can also lead to back pain, shoulder pain and neck pain.

Dr. Justin Eiler of the Chiropractic Health Clinic treats musculoskeletal disorders and injuries and teaches patients ways to avoid future injury. The clinic website is

