GoHealth Infographic: ObamaCare vs. RomneyCare

CHICAGO, IL--(Marketwire - Sep 26, 2012) - GoHealth, an insurance technology platform that has helped millions of Americans compare health insurance quotes, just released an infographic offering a side-by-side comparison of ObamaCare and RomneyCare.

Passed in 2010, President Obama's health reform plan, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act strongly resembles Governor Romney's plan for the state of Massachusetts, which passed in 2006.

While similarities between the two plans are undeniable, the major differences show up in the details:

  • ObamaCare requires companies with 50 or more full time employees to provide health insurance coverage, while RomneyCare sets a stricter minimum of 11 full time employees.
  • One of the most talked about goals of ObamaCare is the provision designed to close the Medicare donut hole. Since Medicare is a federal program and not state-run, there obviously is no mention of the donut hole in RomneyCare.
  • ObamaCare provides Medicaid to Americans earning less than 133 percent of the federal poverty level, while RomneyCare sets the cap at 150 percent to receive free health insurance.
  • ObamaCare requires health insurers to spend 80 to 85 percent of premiums on medical care, while RomneyCare has no requirements for premium expenditures.

About GoHealth
GoHealth and its customer-facing website GoHealthInsurance.com is a health insurance technology platform, working with over 100 health insurance carriers and more than 10,000 licensed agents across the United States. Since the company's founding in 2001, the GoHealth platform has helped nearly 30 million Americans shop and compare health insurance quotes.

Contact Information:

Mark Colwell

GoHealthInsurance infographic compares and contrasts ObamaCare and RomneyCare.