Hip Hop Hall of Fame Awards TV Show in Talks With TV & Cable Networks, Advertisers & Sponsors for Broadcast

Hip Hop Pioneers Easy AD, and DJ Lord Yoda Have Re-Teamed With Creator-Producer JT Thompson to Co-Produce the Show & Document Hip Hop History

NEW YORK, Sept. 26, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Hip Hop Hall of Fame Awards Television show producers have re-engaged in discussions with television and cable networks for broadcasting the shows return to the national stage in the 4th quarter of 2012. This will be the first broadcast of the show since it aired in National Syndication and on the BET Cable Network in the 90s.

The team will be taking meetings throughout the month to finalize terms and conditions for all co-branding and marketing opportunities. The Hip Hop Hall of Fame Awards Show will feature a "Week of Activities" throughout New York City that will include Community Outreach Events, a Leadership Symposium on C-SPAN, VIP Reception, Artists Showcases, Parties, and other Programs featuring Hip Hop Pioneers, Celebrities, Community, Industry, and New York City Leaders.

Later this week sponsorship packages are heading out to major Corporate brands, Service & Tech companies, Advertising Agencies, and Record Labels for the 2012 Hip Hop Hall of Fame Awards Show, plus the 2013 Awards Show, and other Co-Branded Television and Programming productions slated for 2013. The Presenting Sponsor brand will serve as the lead multi-cultural partner in all marketing, promotional, and advertising campaigns scheduled for activation in the 4th quarter and in all of 2013. Various sponsors and advertisers will receive bonus television spots, billboards, show segments, signage, and sponsorships at surrounding events during the week of events and community outreach activities throughout New York City. This will also include high visibility Promotions in all Local, National, and International Radio, Television, Magazines, Newspapers, Blogs, and Hollywood Entertainment Shows for Red Carpet Events and Broadcasts.

The sponsors that participate will be able to target and reach a collective of Hip Hop and R&B Music and Culture fans ages 16-24, and adults 18-55 who are at the pulse of urban radio, trends, and hip fashions that spend and influence over $500 Billion per year on products, technology, goods and services.

For more information on participation or sponsorships contact Alexia Martinique, or Bobby Fisher. Follow us at http://hiphophall.org, http://facebook.com/hiphophalloffame, http://twitter.com/hiphophof, and http://facebook.com/hiphophalloffameawards.

The Hip Hop Hall of Fame Awards logo is available at http://www.globenewswire.com/newsroom/prs/?pkgid=13313

