Chiropractor Uses Massage Therapy in Brentwood to Beat Back Pain

BRENTWOOD, Tenn., Oct. 21, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- According to chiropractor Dr. Quinn Uzelman of Premier Family Chiropractic in Brentwood, massage therapy is a powerful, yet often overlooked way to improve a person's overall health. He says he normally prescribes massage for back pain, but that his patients have also reported that it has helped them reduce stress levels, lower blood pressure, relieve headaches and even alleviate the discomfort of fibromyalgia. Dr. Uzelman says that massage is a natural complement to chiropractic care because it addresses the condition of the soft tissues (such as muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia) that support the spine and skeletal system.

The Brentwood chiropractor explains that therapeutic massage is an increasingly recognized asset to traditional chiropractic and medical care. "People have been using massage as a form of healthcare for years and one recent study actually demonstrated how massage halted the inflammation of cells within overworked muscles. When inflammation is reduced, people experience pain relief, whether that means back pain, neck pain, or shoulder pain, and so on." He says that he now regularly has patients coming from all over Franklin, Spring Hill, Cool Springs and Nashville asking specifically about how massage can help them.

Dr. Uzelman explains that massage therapy works naturally to enhance chiropractic care. He says that while chiropractic spinal adjustments help to realign the vertebrae in the spine to restore proper posture and balance, massage helps recondition the muscles and other soft tissues to better support healthy posture. Dr. Uzelman also says that massage improves circulation that helps rush toxins out of injured tissues while bringing oxygen and nutrients into the same tissues to help speed the healing process.

Dr. Uzelman explains that he provides different types of massage techniques tailored to the condition of his patients. He says that lighter massages such as Swedish massage are good for people with traumatic injuries who need a lighter touch, as well as for pediatric patients. He explains that a light massage can also reduce stress, blood pressure and naturally stimulate the immune system. Deep tissue massages are particularly helpful for patients with muscle adhesions and scar tissue, he explains. He says the deeper, more intense strokes break down adhesions to restore normal muscle function.

Dr. Uzelman recommends massage for most of his patients. "When you consider that a large majority of doctor visits are actually instigated by stress-induced problems, it makes sense that everybody should think of incorporating therapeutic massage into their wellness regimen. It doesn't just feel good—it's good for the whole body."

Premier Family Chiropractic provides chiropractic spinal adjustments, massage, therapeutic exercises, physiotherapy and natural healing techniques. They treat patients recovering from injuries and chronic conditions as well as people who want to improve their overall health. Their website is

