Portland Chiropractor Uses Massage to Enhance Back Pain Treatments

PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 28, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Portland chiropractor Dr. Samantha Stuart says that her back pain and neck pain patients report feeling more relief when combining chiropractic care with massage therapy. She explains that contrary to the popular belief that massage is just a feel-good spa treatment, therapeutic massage has demonstrable medical benefits. She cites mounting scientific evidence that is revealing how different types of massage benefit different musculoskeletal conditions and stress-induced ailments. Dr. Stuart works with three licensed massage therapists who all have experience in different types of bodywork. She prescribes different styles of massage for different patients, depending upon their individual conditions.

Dr. Stuart says that she recommends massage therapy in Portland to almost all of her patients. "Massage is excellent for back and neck pain, particularly in conjunction with spinal adjustments. It warms up the muscles, increases circulation and loosens the tensions between the soft tissues and the skeletal system. For all those reasons, it helps the body adapt to a new, improved spinal alignment more quickly. It also releases endorphins throughout the body, which is one of the body's most powerful, natural pain relief chemicals."

The Portland chiropractor says that different types of massage can alleviate different kinds of ailments besides just back pain and neck pain. She usually recommends Swedish massage for people struggling with tension headaches and stress, for example. According to Dr. Stuart, massage helps patients with a wide variety of ailments; patients report improvement in their conditions when their stress levels are lowered during therapeutic massage. This includes conditions such as headaches, depression and high blood pressure to diabetes, fatigue and sleep disorders, she adds.

Dr. Stuart says that she often recommends deep tissue massage for patients recovering from car accident injuries and sports injuries. She cites massage as significantly reducing the cellular inflammatory response inside of muscles that had been overworked or injured. This accelerated the post-injury healing process.

She says that deep tissue massage is also particularly helpful in breaking down tight muscle knots and scar tissue called adhesions. These adhesions inhibit normal range of motion and cause pain. Dr. Stuart says that deep tissue massage can also alleviate the severe back, neck, shoulder and extremity pain for people with fibromyalgia and joint pain from osteoarthritis.

Dr. Stuart recommends that people call the office for a consultation about which style of therapeutic massage might be most effective for them. "I work with three very experienced, intuitive massage therapists, and we collaborate to develop massage sessions that help our patients achieve their healing goals."

Dr. Samantha Stuart DC, PC provides chiropractic spinal adjustments, physical therapy, nutritional counseling and therapeutic massage to patients throughout the Greater Portland area, including Clackamas and Vancouver, WA. For more information, visit the website at http://portlandorchiro.com.

