Winnipeg Veterinarian Raises Awareness for Senior Pet Wellness, Offers November Special

WINNIPEG, Manitoba, Nov. 4, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Fort Garry Veterinary Hospital in Winnipeg, MB is offering a 10 percent discount on diagnostic testing as part of their senior pet wellness services. The discount is part of the animal hospital's awareness campaign to educate pet owners about the importance of senior wellness care. According to the veterinary care team, early detection can significantly reduce the risk for long-term health problems. A blood chemistry panel and urinalysis provides an important diagnostic baseline for identifying internal health problems before a pet's overall well-being is compromised, requiring pet surgery or medication.

Senior pets need regular wellness exams for disease detection and prevention, says Winnipeg veterinarian Dr. Bhandari. Dr. Bhandari and the veterinary health team at Fort Garry Veterinary Hospital are raising awareness about the importance of senior pet health exams for detecting the early symptoms of illness.

"Early detection can help prevent or significantly reduce long-term health complications," said Dr. Bhandari. "As our pets age, we may notice a general 'slowing down' in their senses. They may not move as fast as they once did, hear as well, or see as well. What pet owners can't detect are the internal health changes that happen. This is why diagnostic wellness tests are so important. These tests give us a snapshot of a pet's internal health, which in turn helps prevent health complications."

According to Dr. Bhandari, the most common health abnormalities detected include disease, lumps, vomiting, coat changes, arthritis and heart murmurs. While many dogs become overweight as they age, conversely, many cats may become underweight due to thyroid problems.

Dr. Bhandari recommends full blood chemistry panel and urinalysis for dogs and cats over the age of seven years. These tests screen for blood chemistry changes that may indicate the presence of early kidney disease, heart disease, liver disease, a thyroid imbalance, diabetes, or some cancers.

The veterinary hospital is also reminding pet owners about the importance of annual dental checkups. "Dental disease is detected in 80 percent of senior pets," says the Winnipeg veterinarian.

According to Dr. Bhandari, in older pets, dental disease can be a serious problem and exacerbate other health conditions. For example, a bacterial infection that begins in the gums may enter the blood stream, traveling to internal organs. If these organs are already suffering from early-stage health problems, they may be unable to handle the added strain posed by a bacterial infection.

"A combination of seemingly minor health problems can come together to create a perfect storm," said Dr. Bhandari. "However, these health complications can be prevented with diagnostic testing and annual dental cleanings. We can prevent or reduce the need for pet surgery."

Pet owners with healthy senior pets can bring them to the hospital and save 10 percent on diagnostic testing by requesting an appointment online at:

