Florida Alimony Reform Creates Nonprofit

Plans to Expand Efforts Nationwide

TAVARAS, Fla., Nov. 7, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- What started as a grassroots effort to change Florida's permanent alimony laws has blossomed into an all-out national effort. Florida Alimony Reform is pleased to announce the creation of Family Law Reform Inc., a 501(c)(4). The new organization's goal is to raise money and awareness of issues important to those impacted, not only by divorce, but by a myriad of family law-related matters.

"We did this because we believe there are many areas of family law that need reform. We want our new not-for-profit to be a watchdog, as well as a collaborative organization, to the Family Law Section of the Florida Bar. Eventually, we plan to work with other state bars' Family Law sections," said Florida Alimony Reform Co-Director Alan Frisher, who will serve as CEO of the newly formed nonprofit.

Despite the many advances made over the years, Americans still face challenges when it comes, not only to divorce, but to the distribution of assets upon dissolution of marriage, child custody and support, neglect, adoption, and programs related to juvenile delinquency and care. Family Law Reform Inc. will focus its efforts on these issues through education, advocacy and fundraising.

Family Law Reform Inc. will serve as an umbrella organization under which Florida Alimony Reform and the Second Wives Club will continue to exist. We will continue to push for change.

"Alimony reform in Florida is necessary from a social, as well as an economic, standpoint, as can be verified by the substantial number of cases that are telltale signs of financially abusive orders and destroyed family lives," noted Debbie Leff Israel, founder of the Second Wives Club.

In preparation for the upcoming legislative session, Florida Alimony Reform has been conducting Town Hall Meetings across Florida for the last five months. Those meetings will culminate with a statewide Town Hall Meeting on Nov. 10 in Tampa at the Embassy Suites (10220 Palm River Road).

State Representative Peter Nehr (R-District 48) will be the guest speaker. Members of Florida Alimony Reform's Board of Directors will also give an update on the goals of this year's legislative campaign.

We continue to pursue five key areas:

  • Removal of permanent alimony from present statutes
  • The need for alimony payer to have the right to retire at Federal Retirement age or standard retirement age for 'high risk' professions
  • A defined amount based on a formula that is fair, and averages incomes for both spouses
  • Second Wives' or husbands' income shall not be used to calculate an upward modification of alimony
  • The right to modify a current judgment

"Permanent alimony does not end a failed marriage," noted Frisher. "Instead it marks the beginning of a new adversarial relationship involving a lifetime of financial obligation, dependence, and return trips to divorce court by either party when circumstances change. With the election behind us, it's time to look ahead to upcoming legislative sessions around the country and to put pressure on lawmakers to change every state's antiquated alimony laws."

Founded in 2010, Florida Alimony Reform was created to change the state's antiquated alimony laws. Based in Tavaras, Fla., FAR represents more than 2,000 families across the state.

The Florida Alimony Reform logo is available at http://www.globenewswire.com/newsroom/prs/?pkgid=11350


