Forecast International Announces Groundbreaking Long-Range Market Forecasting Tool

NEWTOWN, Conn., Nov. 12, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Forecast International today introduces the Platinum 2.0 Forecast System, with a stunning design, enhanced display, and a 25-year data spectrum. Driven by a massive relational database, this second-generation market forecasting system provides 10 years of historical data and 15-year market projections extending through the year 2027.

"In developing Platinum 2.0, we accepted the challenge from the Aerospace and Defense industries to provide a tool that would allow customized and exportable 15-year market assessments coupled with 10 years of historical market data," said John Edwards, Forecast International's Vice President of Worldwide Marketing. "This is the most advanced interface we have ever made. It is user-friendly, with drill-down and hover-over capabilities, and is a natural evolution of our product line. The data is presented graphically and is backed up by exportable spreadsheets and supporting program, country, and company reports."

Forecast International recognizes that the development cycles of both civil and military systems are changing, stretching ever farther into the future in the face of market uncertainty and budget-cutting pressures. In today's rapidly changing market conditions, the timeliness of new information is more important than ever. Forecast International's Platinum 2.0 Forecast System provides the optimum solution to both of these challenges: It not only looks farther ahead but, as a live relational database, conveys up-to-the-minute changes and instant recalculation of market data to clients worldwide. Platinum is the only system today that combines these capabilities.

"As a value-added feature, Forecast International gives its clients direct access to its team of analysts to discuss forecasts, sources, assumptions, or other pertinent market data. Our primary goal is to cost-effectively help our clients identify risk and opportunity while greatly reducing the amount of time on task for their research teams. In our discussions with industry leaders, it became clear that increasing productivity with a smaller workforce while simultaneously containing costs is a huge challenge for many companies. Platinum 2.0 was developed specifically to deliver these solutions to industry," Edwards said.

The Platinum 2.0 Forecast System will be available worldwide January 1, 2013.

For more information or for a demonstration, please contact or call our Sales Department at (203) 426-0800.

Forecast International, Inc. ( is a leading provider of Market Intelligence and Analysis in the areas of aerospace, defense, power systems and military electronics. Based in Newtown, Conn., USA, Forecast International specializes in long-range industry forecasts and market assessments used by strategic planners, marketing professionals, military organizations, and governments worldwide. To arrange an interview with Forecast International's editors, please contact Ray Peterson, Vice President, Research & Editorial Services at (203) 426-0800 or

The Platinum 2.0 Forecast System logo is available at

The Forecast International, Inc. logo is available at

