MicroEdge Introduces MicroEdge Master Certification Program

New Software Certification Program Gives Foundations Confidence that Employees Are Fully Equipped with Necessary Knowledge and Skills to Effectively Manage Giving Programs

New York, Nov. 13, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- MicroEdge, LLC, the leading provider of solutions to the giving community worldwide, has announced the debut of the MicroEdge Master Program--a new certification program that allows users of MicroEdge software to validate their system knowledge and gain a clear picture of the skills and education they need in order to fully master their software solution and use it to the fullest of its potential.

MicroEdge is the largest provider of software and services to the giving community, with robust and integrated solutions that help foundations, corporations and other philanthropic organizations organize, simplify and measure their acts of giving. With MicroEdge solutions, thousands of organizations around the world have been able to streamline their giving processes and eliminate repetitive, time-consuming administrative tasks so they can better focus their resources on fulfilling their mission. Because so many critically important functions are managed with MicroEdge systems, clients have asked for a way to ensure that staff members working within the system are equipped with the requisite skills and expertise to do so with maximum efficiency and effectiveness. MicroEdge responded with the MicroEdge Master Program.

Amy Seto, Vice President of Finance and Administration with the Baltimore Community Foundation, and her team worked closely with MicroEdge to develop the MicroEdge Master Program by providing a number of suggestions and insights to ensure the program meets the needs of MicroEdge clients. "This program is hard evidence that MicroEdge is committed to responding to our needs as clients, which is particularly encouraging because it illustrates that our relationship with MicroEdge is a true partnership," said Ms. Seto. "The program itself is valuable because it will allow us to unite all our users around a standard of knowledge; it will not only increase our individual users' effectiveness, it will also enhance our ability to collaborate by aligning us around the same set of operating procedures and language across the organization. My goal is to get all of our users certified as MicroEdge Masters."

Clients interested in becoming certified have a number of options by which to achieve certification. The skills and knowledge required for certification is outlined for clients, along with a curriculum of classes that will provide the education required to become a Master. Because MicroEdge clients have varying levels of system knowledge, individuals who already consider themselves experts have the option to test out, by skipping the classes and proceeding directly to the online exam. Users that have some knowledge but need to fill gaps can take the classes they need à la carte, while new users or beginners can purchase a specially-tailored training package, which bundles all suggested classes and the exam together at a discounted price.  At present, certifications are available for FIMS, GIFTS, and GIFTS Online clients.  Over time, certifications will be available for the full MicroEdge product suite, and various levels of certification will be instituted so that users can continue to grow their expertise.

"Becoming a MicroEdge Master is about more than passing a test," says MicroEdge Vice President of Operations, Phil Montgomery. "MicroEdge Master status conveys the message that an individual has the ability to drive their organization's success by using its MicroEdge solution in the most efficient and effective way possible. I'm excited about the implications of this program because it will give our clients confidence that they are ready to use their system to the fullest of its potential. This, in turn, empowers them to maximize the impact they make in the communities they serve, which is really what MicroEdge is all about."

To Learn More
To learn more about the MicroEdge Master Program, visit www.microedge.com/microedgemaster , or contact the MicroEdge Training Team at training@microedge.com.   

About MicroEdge
Established in 1985, MicroEdge, LLC is the leading provider of software and services to the giving community worldwide. MicroEdge solutions deliver a powerful, integrated, and open framework for efficient and effective charitable giving. The company is committed to providing the best technology toolset for foundations, corporations, government agencies, donors, advisors and financial institutions. Together, these tools help organizations to work with one another to raise, invest, manage and award charitable currency. MicroEdge is headquartered in New York City with regional offices throughout the U.S. and supports thousands of clients worldwide. MicroEdge is part of the Vista Equity Partners portfolio of software and technology-enabled companies. To learn more about Vista Equity Partners, visit www.vistaequitypartners.com. To learn more about MicroEdge, visit www.microedge.com.

Media Contact:
Kathy Krais
800.899.0890 ext. 3966

MicroEdge is a trademark and/or service mark of MicroEdge, LLC. All other company names or marks mentioned herein are those of their respective owners.