U.S. Security Associates Celebrates 10 Years of Safety at One of America's Largest Oil Refineries

ATLANTA, Dec. 6, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- U.S. Security Associates reports a safety milestone that showcases the potential for clients with dangerous operations to create safer workplaces in partnership with contract security services companies. At the Texas site of one of America's largest oil refineries, the U.S. Security Associates security team has clocked 10 years and 2.5 million hours with no recordable or lost-time injuries. At the client's neighboring petrochemical plant, U.S. Security Associates' security officers have also reached the 10 year mark with no recordable or lost-time injuries.

Workers at petrochemical sites face safety hazards every day on the job. Catastrophes like oil spills, explosions and fires capture the media spotlight, but there are also everyday risks of injury from falls, machinery, superheated chemicals, and toxic chemical exposure. The inherent dangers of petrochemical sites are compounded on the Gulf Coast by seasonal threats of hurricanes.

U.S. Security Associates' benchmark achievement of 10 injury-free years at these high-risk sites is a direct reflection of the client's commitment to preventing people from getting hurt. The client, a prominent oil and gas company with extensive operations around the world, is nationally recognized for its comprehensive commitment to safety excellence. The company maintains strict requirements for all employees and contractors based on core values of safety, security and health.

For 10 years, U.S. Security Associates has embraced this dynamic safety culture, continuously molding the site security and safety program to meet evolving needs. Site managers collaborate with client representatives to formulate security protocols, policies and procedures in alignment with the client's Coast Guard-approved master safety plans. Constant safety awareness is reinforced through initial training, site-specific hazard orientation, 60 days of training with a safety leader, and robust ongoing safety training developed by the safety manager.

Doug Blake, Vice President of U.S. Security Associates' Petrochemical Division, recognizes the instrumental role of site leadership in maintaining spotless safety records at these sites. "Our two site managers and our safety manager are to be commended for their flexibility, responsiveness and vigilance in building and sustaining programs that comply with our client's high standards of safety excellence."

Alton Harvey, Senior Vice President of U.S. Security Associates' Global Accounts division, observes, "Best practices in safety and security services are identified through partnerships with clients who really make safety top priority. We leverage those best practices across our entire organization. We make sure managers throughout the company know what it takes to achieve 10 injury-free years at dangerous sites. As one of the largest security companies, we dramatically improve the odds against workplace injuries through each partnership with a client seriously committed to safety, not only at that client's facilities, but at thousands of high-risk locations nationwide."


U.S. Security Associates is North America's security solutions leader, with 160 locally-responsive offices providing high-quality national security services and global consulting and investigations. The company provides career paths for over 46,000 security professionals serving several thousand clients and many industries.  Recognized for world class customer service and leading-edge technology, U.S. Security Associates has the distinction of being the first security company certified ISO 9001:2008 at all of its offices nationwide.  The organization is ranked one of the world's 30 best training and development companies by ASTD and is listed as a Training magazine Top 125 training company for the seventh consecutive year.  For more information visit www.ussecurityassociates.com.

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