Steve DeAngelo of Harborside -- President Obama Comments on Marijuana

Will the President Show the Same Regard to Medical Cannabis States?

OAKLAND, Calif., Dec. 14, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 

'I hope the President will show the same regard for medical cannabis patients that he has extended to recreational users of cannabis, and stop the ongoing federal campaign to close state-legal medical cannabis providers.' ~  Steve DeAngelo, Executive Director of Harborside Health Center.

Statement of Steve DeAngelo, Executive Director of Harborside Health Center, in response to comments about state cannabis laws made by President Obama to ABC News.

"I welcome President Obama's comments about the Colorado and Washington initiatives in his interview with Barbara Walters tonight. However, at the same time President Obama has publicly recognized the will of voters in adult use states, his Justice Department is doing all it can to close licensed, regulated and state compliant medical cannabis dispensaries like Harborside Health Center. In the past year, US Attorneys have forced the closure of over 600 medical cannabis dispensaries in California, and over 1000 nationwide. Harborside Health Center, the most reputable and legally compliant dispensary in California, will be in court December 20, to defend ourselves against federal efforts to close our doors forever. These actions are not consistent with the President's most recent—or past—statements about federal enforcement priorities in states which have reformed cannabis laws. In light of the President's comments, the Department of Justice should immediately freeze all pending enforcement actions against state-legal medical cannabis providers, and review them to make sure that state legal cannabis users and providers have not been targeted. Harborside is ready to sit down with federal officials and reach a mediated solution to the outstanding legal actions, and we ask them to do so at the earliest possible time. We have already invited US Attorney Melinda Haag to visit Harborside for an in-depth tour, so she can see for herself what Oakland's elected and law enforcement officials already know: Harborside has developed and implemented the gold standard for safe, responsible, and legally compliant distribution of cannabis. The federal government should study Harborside, not close us down."

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