Florida Alimony Reform Sets Record Straight About Myths and Facts of Current Alimony Laws

TAVARAS, Fla., Dec. 17, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Florida Alimony Reform, the Nation's largest Alimony Reform Advocacy Organization, in response to a recent press release by the Family Law Section of the Florida Bar entitled: "Family Law Section Advocates Fair and Equitable Improvements," today set the record straight regarding myths and facts surrounding current alimony laws.

Myth: Florida enjoys some of the most progressive alimony laws in the nation.

Fact: Florida alimony laws are draconian, out of date, and are in desperate need of reform to bring them up to practical, affordable, and modern standards.

Myth: The Family Law Section...passed good public policy that is fair and equitable to all parties.

Fact: According to at least one State Legislator, "the Family Law Section is a special interest group that has an interest in making sure that these things are not systematized and not just objectively equitable. Their incentive is to ensure that people still need family law lawyers."

Myth: As a result of the efforts of the Section...fewer cases are litigated and more are settled.

Fact: FAR receives daily emails from Florida citizens describing how their cases cost them thousands of dollars in Attorney fees with no end in sight for a final settlement. Changes to statutes made in 2010 simply did not go far enough to effectively help our citizens.

Myth: Permanent alimony payers are prohibited from retiring.

Fact: Permanent alimony payers can indeed retire, but would have to plan on affording their retirement from life savings that would potentially be used to pay continued alimony to their former spouse

Myth: Second spouse's incomes cannot create a basis for an upward modification of alimony for a first wife

Fact: Income from a second spouse can be considered 'family income' and be used to calculate an upward modification for a former (first) wife. FAR has a member whose alimony payment was increased based solely on his 'fiancés' income.

"Such comments as previously made by the Family Section of the Florida Bar cannot help but diminish the public confidence and trust in the judiciary. To that end, FAR will continue to work effectively with our bill sponsors, legislators, and will welcome a productive working relationship with the leaders of the Family Section of the Florida Bar in order to reach a mutually agreed upon reformation of current alimony law," said Alan Frisher, FAR co-Director and Spokesman.

Key areas of reform include:

  • Removal of permanent alimony from present statutes.
  • The need for alimony payer to have the right to retire at Federal Retirement age or standard retirement age for 'high risk' professions.
  • A defined amount based on a formula that is fair, and averages incomes for both spouses.
  • Second Wives' or husbands' income shall not be used to calculate an upward modification of alimony.
  • Enabling 50% the length of the marriage to be the durational "default" to end alimony payment, as opposed to permanent payment.
  • Attaching a 'decreasing term' life insurance policy instead of a term, or whole life policy to the alimony payment so that insurance is affordable and ends when the alimony ends;
  • Make the law retroactive so that those saddled with alimony payments can get payments modified to comply with the new law.

Founded in 2010, Florida Alimony Reform was created to change the state's antiquated alimony laws. Based in Tavaras, Fla., FAR represents more than 2,500 families across the state.

The Florida Alimony Reform logo is available at http://www.globenewswire.com/newsroom/prs/?pkgid=11350


