New Releases From TheWriteDeal eBook Publisher

NEW YORK, Dec. 20, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --

Below is a list of original English and Spanish ebooks available exclusively in TheWriteDeal online store.

English releases

Dressing at Guilder's by Irene Ferraro-Sives ($6.25)

An original voice emerges in these concise, elegantly written stories. The voice belongs to Anne, the narrator and main salesperson at Guilder's Clothes, a boutique located deep in the loneliness of small-town America.

Robert's Rules of Karaoke, a guy-lit novel by Elliot Olshansky

Twenty-something New Yorker Rob Olson wants what any young man would―a great woman who can appreciate not only his hockey addiction, but his Friday night Karaoke habit.

Silver Pirouettes by György Faludy ($7.99)

György Faludy (1910 – 2006) lived through the nightmares of both World War II and communism (he left Hungary after the tragic failure of the 1956 uprising) and he brings to everything he writes a certain intimacy with life that luckier people will never know.

Iron Butterfly by Richard Lutman   ($5.99)

Wilson, a butterfly hunter, is feeling the weight of a past rich in false starts. At the same time he is obsessed with Gloria, a Chinese girl with a patch on one eye, who he met in Hong Kong.

Partial Survivors by T.R. ($5.25)

These are stories of everyday people who have faced weighty life crises and survived, in various degrees, the unbearable lightness of the human experience. T.R. Healy has a keen eye for our more subtle frailties and the talent to express them with delightful empathy. 

Spanish releases

Juntaversos de Saúl Ibargoyen ($7.99)

Seduccion, Amor y Mentiras de Raquel Troyce ($6.99)

Libre Eres de Judith Morales Montes de Oca ($2.99)

Doce plantas bajo el sol de Arístides Vega Chapú ($4.99)

Un punto y aparte de Helena Nieto ($6.99)

Atrapada en el Engano de Amber Lake ($4.25)

Bilingual Kids books

Leyendas Nuevomexicanas en Escena / New Mexican Legends on Stage ($5.99) and We are Taoseños / Somos Taoseños ($6.15) by Taos, New Mexico, Municipal Schools Elementary Arts Program


Amadou by Jim Jimbe Carroll ($5.99)

A high-octane photo-documentary of the 1999 Amadou Diallo police shooting in New York.

New York in Your Face by Alexander Royzman and Mick Stern ($7.99)

An inspiring collaboration by photo-journalist Alexander Royzman and poet Mick Stern.

Click here to visit our Bookstore.

Journalists and editors, please send an email to to request a review copy

For everything else email or call Mick Stern (Editor) at 646.862.2858.

ABOUT US: TheWriteDeal is the fastest growing new-generation ebook publisher and retailer. Established in New York City by professional editors and writers, TheWriteDeal markets curated e-books and digital book excerpts, or e-leafs, from original unpublished works. We publish a wide range of genres in both English and Spanish, in all popular e-book formats. TheWriteDeal actively promotes a new literature for the 21st century. We publish exclusively electronically. We present works of any length and at any stage of completion, to be read at leisure or on the go on a reading device or computer. There are no print options.
