Faith Based Entrepreneur Chooses 12/21/12 to Launch tiotG

LAS VEGAS, Dec. 21, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- On a day when many folks are awaiting the end of the world or some other pandemonium one person is launching something positive for the world. Creator Rob Dyer purposely chose the doom and gloom day 12-21-2012 to launch tiotG! (tee-ah-jee), turn it over to God! "I have been in touch with my spirituality for a very long time. The last 10 years or so I have had many wonderful things happen in my life, but sometimes were also wrought with fears, angst, doubts and lack of faith" stated Dyer. "It always seemed that during the darkest moments, those times of feeling utterly defeated and at rock bottom, that in hindsight, God was creating other paths or changes that were even better for me in my life."

"As I started turning more and more over to God the more empowered I felt and the more faith had the opportunity to intervene. I knew in the end of whatever I was facing God was in charge, not me, nor any other human. Every time I tried to take charge or handle a crisis on my own it didn't work for me. I had to learn to take a deep breath and tiotG! put it in God's hands." Dyer went on, "It really did take effort and faith. Turning it over to the Divine is a huge milestone. Things are not always easy and we all have our own catastrophes but God will get us through. A dear friend used to always say, "feel it and let it go." But that wasn't always the case for me, now it is a way of life."

"My goal is to give resources, scripture, positive thoughts and life lessons through tiotG!. Sometimes we all need a little nudge or a kind word or positive thoughts so I put this together so people can see they are not alone in their journey." tiotG! for me is based upon the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It isn't about  judgement for your beliefs, actions or deeds. It is also not meant to exclude anyone. Getting something positive from this for those from all walks of life is also one of my goals. Whether you believe Jesus is the Son of God or not, everything he said was simple, eloquent and yet very in depth. So many religious fanatics are hate mongers and offer judgment. Jesus came to be with those who needed him not the pious or upright. Why some Christians today preach hate and judgment is beyond me. It is very hard for me to believe we are reading the same Words spoken by the same Savior. Straight from the good Word, "Faith, Hope, and Love and the greatest of these is Love." To me it is that simple."

"So when you are having one of those moments or times of trouble remember toot! and turn your focus there. The website, is also a resource of positive affirmations, testimonials, and inspirational dialogue." Dyer concluded with, "Who knows what tiotG! has the potential to be but I know where I will put my trust in getting it there. Blessings!"

The tiotG logo is available at

