Make Your 2013 Traffic Safety Resolutions

SACRAMENTO, Calif., Dec. 27, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- It's the time of year for people to be making their New Year's resolutions, resolving to change bad habits, start a new healthy activity, or do good things for other people. It's also time for the California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) to offer a list of resolutions we can all adopt, making 2013 a safer year for everyone on our roads.

"Resolutions can be powerful if we are serious about them," said OTS Assistant Director Chris Cochran. "These resolutions can actually save lives and prevent tragedies if we can put them into practice every day when we drive."

For more help on getting safely through the New Year, drivers are encouraged to participate in the "RUOK?" campaign, which carries the message that if you have to ask someone if they are okay to drive, you probably already know that they aren't. The California OTS Facebook page has lists of non-alcoholic Designated Driver Drinks, or "DDrinks," plus contests and interactions on Twitter and Instagram –

Some resolutions may be harder than others, but they all are within easy reach. Add some of your own and share them with family, friends and coworkers.

DUI Prevention

  • I resolve not to drive when I've been drinking
  • I resolve not to drive if I'm impaired by any legal or illegal drug or medication
  • I resolve to call 911 if I see someone I think is driving drunk
  • I resolve not to ask anyone who has been drinking, "Are you okay to drive?", because I know that they really aren't
  • I resolve not to knowingly let anyone drive buzzed, drunk or drugged
  • I resolve to be the designated sober driver for my friends or family whenever they ask
  • I resolve to stay sober if I am the designated driver
  • I resolve to support the sober driver in my group
  • I resolve not to drive buzzed
  • I resolve to give my kids a safe ride home – no questions asked
  • I resolve never to give alcohol to minors

Cell Phone/Mobile Devices:

  • I resolve to not text or talk on my cell phone while driving
  • I resolve to not call or text anyone when I think they may be driving
  • I resolve to turn off my phone or put it out of reach when I'm driving so I don't get distracted
  • I resolve to be a good example for my kids and not text and talk while driving I resolve to remember, whenever I'm tempted to use a cell phone while driving –"It's Not Worth It!"

Buckle Up

  • I resolve to make sure everyone in the car is buckled up on every ride, day or night
  • I resolve to have my child safety seats inspected by a certified professional

Safe Driving:

  • I resolve to follow speed, red light, safe turns and all other traffic laws
  • I resolve to be a courteous commuter
  • I resolve to share the road with motorists, motorcyclists, bicyclists and pedestrians alike

Join us on Twitter at!/OTS_CA or "like" us at to add your resolutions. 

