PEPID Delivers Infobutton Solution

Provides Immediate Support for Meaningful Use 2 Certification

PHOENIX, March 1, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- As the healthcare industry works through the challenges in the efforts to implement electronic health records and information systems required by Obamacare and the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act, PEPID has introduced its new Infobutton providing all members of the healthcare team access to clinical and patient information, labs and drug references at the touch of a button.

With the PEPID Infobutton, all PEPID content is accessible with one click, including patient education, drug information, clinical and disease reference and more.

"We're excited to provide the Infobutton to make it easy for clinicians and patients to access relevant resources and information truly at the point of care. Now any institution's HIT team can easily provide this via any system or patient portal," says John Wagner, PEPID president. "PEPID Infobutton provides access to thousands of clinical and drug reference materials, patient education, lab results and procedures, while achieving meaningful use objectives."

The PEPID Infobutton is context-specific for patients, physicians, nurses and pharmacists. This allows clinicians and patients to access resources and content relevant to their inquiry. Through the PEPID Infobutton manager thousands of reference-specific resources may be accessed by clicking the Infobutton.  For instance, a nurse may select nursing reference information on a treatment, care plan or nursing intervention for a particular condition, a physician may access diagnostic information or drug information, or print information for patients including a disease reference, lab results, procedures, drug reference (English and Spanish) and pill identification. 

The PEPID Infobutton is HL7 (Health Level Seven) compliant and is standardized using system vocabularies including ICD-9, ICD-10, SNOMED, RxNORM, NDC, LOINC, CPC and more.

"PEPID's new Infobutton tool works with any hospital EHR system or patient portal," says Edward Reynolds, PEPID chief technology officer. "Infobutton enables healthcare providers to access content-specific information integrated with patient data from the electronic medical record in the same workflow."

PEPID will demonstrate enhancements to its CDS, such as the Infobutton and the new PEPID for Patients electronic reference guide, next week at the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS13) Annual Conference and Exhibition in New Orleans. Those attending HIMSS March 3-7, 2013 in New Orleans are encouraged to stop by PEPID's booth #4837 to see a demonstration.

PEPID has provided clinical specialty-focused products since 1994, and offers the most robust medical information resources on the market as well as the best customer service in the industry. Visit for more information. 

Contact: Jenna Reynolds
Phone: (847) 491-9100 x211


PEPID utilizes cutting-edge technology to deliver clinical decision-support resources specific for healthcare professionals including pharmacists, doctors, nurses, EMTs and students.

PEPID content is reviewed and contributed to by partners including the American Academy of Emergency Medicine, the National Association of Emergency Medical Services Educators, the Family Physician Inquiries Network, the National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists, the Oncology Nursing Society, and the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists to ensure content is of the highest quality. Learn more at, follow us on Twitter (@PEPID_LLC), or become a PEPID fan on Facebook.

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[Image] How the PEPID Infobutton Works
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