Jive Brings Leading Social Business Platform to Companies Across Australia and Asia

Opens Offices Sydney, Melbourne, Australia, Singapore and Hong Kong

SYDNEY, Australia, March 6, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Jive Software, Inc. (Nasdaq:JIVE), a leading social business platform, today announced the opening of new offices in Sydney, Melbourne, Australia; Hong Kong; and Singapore.

Jive's expanded presence in Asia Pacific comes as more companies recognize how social business platforms can deliver real business value for their customers, partners and employees, including increasing workforce productivity up to 15 percent and increasing top-line growth by as much as 4 percent.*

Commenting on the company's Asia-Pacific launch, Jay Larson, Jive's President of Worldwide Field Operations, said: "Some of the most innovative companies across the world, including several in Australia and Asia, are transforming their businesses with Jive. Our products help customers, partners and employees access the information, expertise, and best practices they need to get work done in a better way. And don't just take our word for it. Third-party research proves customers using Jive spend less time on email, in meetings and searching for information–ultimately increasing productivity by up to 15 percent. We're excited about bringing the goodness of Jive to Australia and Asia."

Jive's cloud-based platform helps lines of businesses be more productive, communicate and collaborate better, while also adapting to existing business system processes. For example a sales organization implementing Jive can increase sales per rep by 13 percent, raise win rates by 12 percent and shorten sales cycles by 22 percent.*

Jive has already worked with several Asia-Pacific and global clients to help transform their business processes, including Ace Insurance, Commonwealth Bank, PwC Australia and REA Group.

Commenting on the REA Group's implementation of Jive, Melissa Hendry, Internal Communications of REA Group, said: "We've been using Jive as a social intranet since 2009. This is now a crucial business tool that enables communication, collaboration and knowledge management among employees. And particularly pleasingly, it has helped create a company culture that appreciates diversity of view, individuality, fun and transparency."

For more information, please visit www.jivesoftware.com or the Jive News Blog here.

About Jive Software

Jive Software (JIVE) is one of the world's leading social business solutions. Our cloud-based platform connects employees, customers and partners and is the only proven system, focused on value use cases, to increase productivity within companies by 15 percent and top-line revenue growth up to 4 percent.* By combining the power of cloud, mobile, big data and proprietary collaboration technologies, Jive is transforming the way work gets done and unleashing productivity, creativity and innovation for millions of people in the world's largest companies. For a free trial of Jive's next-generation social business platform, please visit Try Jive.

* Source: Top three global business consultancy research; November 2012


