The "Duke of Error" Wants to Be Bucks Sheriff! Says

DOYLESTOWN, Pa., March 22, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The following is a statement from Tom Lingenfelter of Heritage Collectors' Society:

Edward J. Donnelly, has filed petitions as Edward "Duke" Donnelly to qualify to be on the ballot for Sheriff of Bucks County, and has run into a legal challenge. Former Special Agent for USA Counter-intelligence Tom Lingenfelter, is requesting the County Court to remove Donnelly's name from the primary ballot for apparent violations of the Pennsylvania and United States Constitution and Pennsylvania Election laws.

When Donnelly signed affidavits that requests his name to appear on the ballot as Edward "Duke" Donnelly he appears to be in violation of laws which have clear prohibitions on fraudulent affidavits and the use of nobility titles and nicknames. Attorney Lawrence Otter, an acknowledged Pennsylvania election law expert, consulted with Lingenfelter on his pro se challenge and stated "false affidavits and the issue of nicknames has been addressed by PA courts with unquestionable clarity."

Lingenfelter believes that the sheriff of nine years is violating both the letter and spirit of the law by seeking to use an unlawful name on the ballot.

Donnelly, a former policeman, followed a well-worn but dubious path to his position as sheriff; he was first appointed in 2004.  Appointments are the usual political machine procedure which positions an appointee to run as an incumbent in subsequent elections.  He has run unopposed twice since being appointed and therefore he has avoided the risk of a competitive democratic process.  

Commenting on the outcome of his challenge to Donnelly's petitions Lingenfelter said, "It is difficult to be confident when it comes to the Court's decisions in this state's highly politicized system."

Strangely enough, Lingenfelter's petition as a candidate for sheriff in the GOP primary has not been challenged, as has been the usual and regular practice of the political machine. "Perhaps my belief in strict adherence to the Constitution is being recognized," said Lingenfelter.

Lingenfelter as historian said, "The Duke of Error" is of dubious nobility.


