Dunedin Chiropractor Anticipates Increase in Rehabilitation Services for Spring Sports Injuries

DUNEDIN, Fla., March 24, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- With the spring sports season kicking off in Florida, Raveling Chiropractic Center PA is educating recreational athletes about common spring sports injuries. Spring sports like lacrosse, tennis, softball, baseball and soccer can all cause injuries. Dr. Paul Raveling provides non-invasive chiropractic care and physical therapy for sports rehabilitation. "You do not have to be a professional athlete to sustain a serious sports injury," said Dr. Raveling. "Spring sports injuries can occur to anyone, including youth athletes and recreational athletes. No matter what sport you play, prompt treatment is essential to correcting the injury and managing pain."

Dunedin chiropractor Paul Raveling is reminding recreational athletes that spring sports injuries need prompt treatment. Common injuries include repetitive motion injuries from tennis, baseball and golf, as well as ankle sprains and knee injuries from high-impact sports.

Rather than relying on medication to manage pain, Dr. Raveling offers non-invasive, drug-free treatments. The chiropractor says that this multi-faceted approach delivers optimal results for patients. For example, tennis elbow or golf elbow occurs when tendons in the elbow become inflamed. Improper movement while swinging a club or racket triggers this problem.

"Repetitive stress injuries are often aggravated by poor form during training," said Dr. Raveling. "This is why our treatments address not only a patient's pain, but also the underlying injury. Changes to posture and form can help prevent future problems."

With tennis and golf elbow injuries, an undiagnosed spinal misalignment may be triggering the incorrect swing. Chiropractic adjustments restore spinal alignment, correcting the trigger cause for the injury.

Physical therapy exercises support the body's internal healing process, reducing inflammation and minimizing pain. "Physical therapy is an important part of the injury rehabilitation process," said Dr. Raveling. "For example, an ankle sprain, caused by high impact sports like lacrosse and soccer, responds very well to rehabilitative care."

Strengthening and stretching exercises help restore flexibility and movement to the joints. Dr. Raveling shows patients how to safely perform these exercises for maximum therapeutic benefit without aggravating existing injuries.

Baseball players who suffer an elbow, shoulder or wrist injury from pitching, throwing or hitting will also benefit from rehabilitative care, says the chiropractor.

"Baseball injuries, just like tennis or golf elbow injuries, heal faster with rehabilitative care," said Dr. Raveling. "The exercises help to minimize inflammation and reduce pain without the need for medication."

The Dunedin chiropractor emphasized the importance of prompt treatment for minimizing pain and reducing recovery time.

"For many spring sports injuries, a combination of chiropractic care and rehabilitative exercises may be more effect for pain management than traditional medication," said Dr. Raveling.

In addition to treating sports injuries, Dr. Raveling also treats personal injury patients, auto injury patients and workplace injury victims. Prospective patients may learn more about how to prevent and treat spring sports injuries by visiting http://drraveling.com.

