The More the Better: Yesmail Market Intelligence Now Tracking Instagram

Instagram, a New Dashboard and Competitive Activity Charts Are the Latest Enhancements to the Yesmail Market Intelligence Platform

PORTLAND, Ore., April 9, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Yesmail Interactive, an Infogroup company which powers intelligent customer interactions, today announced the latest release of Yesmail Market Intelligence. The most notable enhancement of this competitive and market intelligence platform is the addition of Instagram to the variety of tracked digital channels spanning social (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Google+), email, ad display and web. Instagram, the photo-sharing social network app that Facebook acquired last April, now boasts 100 million users and rings in 10 million new registrants each month. The integration of Instagram makes Yesmail Market Intelligence the only tool in the market that collects competitive data from 8 digital channels in a single user interface.

In addition to Instagram, Yesmail Market Intelligence introduces its new Dashboard view which centers around a competitive activity chart.This chart displays the type and number of campaigns deployed by each marketer in a user's network by day, week and month.The Dashboard view also shows the percentage of campaigns pushed through each digital channel across a marketer's network and enables users to identify their competitors' deployment strategies, such as preferred deployment channel, time of day, day of the week and campaign frequency. Marketers can also get an informed perspective on the importance of each digital channel, as it relates to their industry and competitors, and thus determine most effective channels and strategies for engaging their customers.

"The addition of Instagram is a game changer because of its format and rapid adoption rate," said Jason Warnock, Vice President, Market Intelligence and Measurement, Yesmail Interactive."Consumers are avid Instagram users and we see brands are starting to catch up.Within the first month of adding Instagram as a beta-test,  20% of the Marketers we tracked, the majority of which are Fortune 500 companies, had started incorporating that channel into their strategy. Clients specifically requested the addition of Instagram to the platform because of the higher engagement they get through that channel. This aligns with the conclusions of  two recent Yesmail studies: photo content garners the highest engagement among brand followers. If used properly, this channel can be a goldmine for marketers seeking to maintain a conversation with their customers throughout the buying cycle."

Like all tracked channels in Yesmail Market Intelligence, Instagram offers comprehensive engagement metrics, including number of views, likes, comments and favorites for each campaign, as well as daily subscriber growth for the Instagram channel. In addition, the latest enhancements to the Dashboard  provide an overview of top campaigns by day/week/month, as well as deployment insights outlining campaign counts by hour of the day and day of the week.

"The enhancements Yesmail introduces in this release of Yesmail Market Intelligence put an ever-more powerful marketing tool in the hands of savvy brands," said Michael Fisher, President of Yesmail Interactive. "Instagram has been growing at an impressive rate and marketers are just starting to develop strategies to harness its power. The competitive activity charts in the Dashboard give users a dynamic, real-time view of all campaign activity in their networks and allows them to immediately adjust strategy in response to competitive campaigns."

To learn more about the recent Instagram integration and newly enhanced Yesmail Market Intelligence, call 1-877-YESMAIL, email: or Request a Demo.


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