Chiropractor Encourages Weight Loss Program Integrating Chiropractic Care and Nutrition

CHARLOTTE, N.C., April 21, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Charlotte chiropractor Dr. Darcey Walraven Ladner is educating patients about the benefits of chiropractic care for losing weight. Dr. Ladner implements a specific weight loss program that has achieved high success among patients. Patients typically lose between 5-7 pounds the first week and 1-2 pounds each week after that. Dr. Ladner says she supports the weight loss program with acupuncture, if needed, for food addiction and cravings as well as a full body protocol specific for weight loss where studies have shown patients lose up to three times as much as with diet and exercise alone.

Individuals who are struggling to lose weight may benefit from our weight loss program, says Charlotte chiropractor Dr. Darcey Walraven Ladner. Dr. Ladner offers the program with a combination of chiropractic adjustments and nutritional counseling for weight loss and weight management at Omni Wellness Center.

"Some people are surprised by how beneficial a chiropractor can be for losing weight," said Dr. Ladner. "Not everyone may think of visiting a chiropractor at first, but the decision to do so offers significant rewards."

Thanks to the recent obesity epidemic, Dr. Ladner says more Americans than ever before need assistance losing weight. Omni Wellness Center has helped hundreds of patients successfully take off their excess pounds through its innovative weight loss program.

"Excess weight makes it hard for the body's musculoskeletal system to maintain proper alignment," said Dr. Ladner. "A spinal misalignment can lead to chronic pain, which is only compounded by extra weight compressing the joints. Individuals who are overweight often avoid exercise because it can be painful for the joints, which can cause weight problems to spiral out of control."

Dr. Ladner uses a combination of chiropractic adjustments and nutrition counseling to attack weight problems head-on for her patients. Together, these treatments help patients eliminate bad habits and adopt a healthier lifestyle, including exercising for the first time.

A focus on nutritional counseling is also important, says the chiropractor. Dr. Ladner can create custom diets and meal plans to meet individual health needs, including patients who are vegetarian, gluten-free or suffer from different food allergies.

"Our attention to balanced nutrition also prevents many of the problems associated with fad diets, including nutrient deprivation, irritability, hunger and fatigue. Our program works because it is not a diet but a lifestyle change."

The chiropractor can also show patients corrective care exercises that support joint mobility and safely bring movement back to the body without risking injury.

"Once we get a patient's diet back on track, we focus on adjusting the musculoskeletal system to safely support movement and exercise," said Dr. Ladner.

To learn more about the services available from Omni Wellness Center, visit

