The Most Comprehensive News From Israel, Its MidEast Neighbours and the Jewish World: A New Kind of News From Israel and Region

Official Launch of Online Israel News Cloud Site

– A Division of News Cloud Overseas Corp.

TORONTO, April 30, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Hon. Jerry S. Grafstein, Q.C., Co-Founder/Chair, announces the launch of Israel News Cloud ( - a premier provider of in-depth news from Israel and region.

" is a new, in-depth, news resource which," said Grafstein, "covers all perspectives and comprehensive coverage from Israel and area. We curate microbloggers and mainstream media as it happens."

"One glance - the visitor gets up-to-date news, videos and radio from Israel, West Bank, Gaza, Golan, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, and Egypt."

"Balanced news reflects the diversity of Israel and its neighbours," said Grafstein. "Israel News Cloud uses innovative technology to gather the diversity of the blogosphere, social networks, mainstream media, and top radio, into coherent, news and information coverage about Israel and its neighbours."

"Our goal is to keep our viewers informed on the evolving global scene about Israel and region, on a timely basis from the inside out," said Adam Miron, President/Co-Founder. "The world is interested in Israel. Waves of news are constantly updated. is a new resource to access all facets of life affecting Israel and its neighbours."

Separate editions include politics, business (startups), defence (secret service), agriculture, art, food (wine), sports, universities, health (science), travel, music, theatre, dance, fashion, religions, Arab affairs, cities, regions, Jewish world, West Bank, Gaza, Golan and each adjacent nation and capital city., a division of News Cloud Overseas Corp.

Israel News Cloud (, Israel and region, joins Euro News Cloud (, continental Europe, Britishnewscloud (, United Kingdom and Ireland, Fashion News Cloud (, worldwide, Africa News Cloud (, continental Africa, Brazil News Cloud (, Brazil and region, Russia News Cloud (, Russia and region, India News Cloud (, India and region, China News Cloud (, China and region, Wellington Street Post (, Ottawa, Canada, Penn Ave Post (, Washington, D.C., and Holly Post (, Hollywood, California, an ever-expanding network of online 24/7 global news sites.

