Are Vacations Making a Comeback?

Texas Credit Union League Survey Finds That 64.4 Percent of Texans Plan to Take Vacation This Summer

FARMERS BRANCH, Texas, May 2, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- According to a Texas Credit Union League (League) survey, 64.4 percent of survey respondents say they plan to take a summer vacation. So does this mean vacations are making a comeback for the average American family? Statistics suggest so.

The U.S. Travel Association forecasts a 1.3 percent increase in leisure trips and an identical increase in travel expenditures made by U.S. residents in 2013. Also, according to a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll, nearly three quarters of Americans plan to vacation at least 100 miles from home, an almost 15 percent increase since 2012.

However, the League found that even with a predicted growth in travel, some Texans are not quite ready to spend much more on a vacation. According to the League's survey, nearly 45 percent of respondents' travel plans are identical to last year. Others reported the following differences to their 2013 vacation plans:

• Longer time 15.2 percent
• Shorter time 23.8 percent
• Greater distance 11.4 percent
• Shorter distance 19 percent
• Multiple vacations 5.7 percent
• Different transportation 10.5 percent

For those seeking to add a vacation back into their budgets, Texas Credit Union Foundation Executive Director Courtney Moran suggests reducing leisure and entertainment expenses throughout the year to offset vacation costs.

"It's also a good idea put money away into savings from each paycheck," adds Moran. "Consumers will find great savings products at their local credit union."

About Texas Credit Union League

The Texas Credit Union League is the state trade association serving more than 500 credit unions in Texas. Organized in 1934, the Texas Credit Union League supports credit unions, not-for-profit, member-owned, volunteer-directed cooperatives, which in turn are owned by nearly eight million members. For more information, visit

