NOVA Chemicals Introduces Recycled Content EPS Shape Molding Resin


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NOVA Chemicals Introduces Recycled Content EPS Shape Molding Resin

Pittsburgh, PA (May 21, 2013) - NOVA Chemicals today announced the release of its new R625B Expandable Polystyrene ("EPS") Shape Molding Resin for protective packaging and other shape molding applications.  

NOVA Chemicals worked with RAPAC, a leader in North America for polystyrene and expanded polystyrene recycling, to develop and launch this new resin containing 25% recycled content - helping molders and brand owners achieve their sustainability goals.

"We are excited to deliver a consistent, high-quality, next generation EPS resin with recycled content to North American shape molders. R625B is a resin that conserves natural resources and is expected to spur market development of EPS recycling," said John Thayer, Global Business Director of the EPS Business at NOVA Chemicals.

Recyclability awareness of EPS continues to grow as manufacturers target more recycled content in their packaging to help meet sustainability goals. R625B contains 75% virgin EPS from NOVA Chemicals Beaver Valley facility and 25% EcoSix(TM), RAPAC recycled polystyrene. Compared to alternative recycled content EPS products, R625B is measuredly improved in both resin consistency and processes similar to virgin EPS resin with no additional equipment needed.

NOVA Chemicals' R625B using RAPAC's EcoSixTM resin is made available to meet the demand for recycled content resins by North American EPS shape molders.

To learn more about R625B resin, visit the NOVA Chemicals EPS website or e-mail


About NOVA Chemicals

NOVA Chemicals develops and manufactures chemicals, plastic resins and end-products that make everyday life safer, healthier and easier. Our employees work to ensure health, safety, security and environmental stewardship through our commitment to sustainability and Responsible Care®. NOVA Chemicals is a wholly owned subsidiary of International Petroleum Investment Company ("IPIC") of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

Media inquiries, please contact:
Pace Markowitz
Director, Communications

EcoSixTM  is a trademark of RAPAC, LLP.

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