Organization of American States (OAS) Hemispheric Drug Policy Report Endorses Drug Treatment Courts

ALEXANDRIA, Va., June 5, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Organization of American States (OAS) hemispheric drug policy report, released last month and highlighted today by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza in Antigua, Guatemala, endorsed methods such as Drug Treatment Courts (DTC) that refer people who are drug-addicted to treatment and provide habilitative services. The OAS report called these programs "effective."

"Some have spun this report to conclude that OAS endorses legalization, which is not the case. The reality is that OAS has unanimously agreed that Drug Treatment Courts are an effective solution to the hemisphere's drug problem," remarked West Huddleston, CEO of the National Association of Drug Court Professionals (NADCP). "We couldn't be more pleased that this life-saving method is finally getting the credit it deserves on an international level. Moreover, we applaud OAS for acknowledging that addicts should not be punished for dependence but rather treated appropriately."

The growing Drug Treatment Court movement seeks to reduce substance abuse, crime, and recidivism. Drug Treatment Courts have been established throughout the hemisphere, including in Canada, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Jamaica, Mexico and the United States.

NADCP's efforts focus on promoting social integration and reducing recidivism through local and community collaboration, methods endorsed by the OAS report. Since 1994, NADCP has worked tirelessly at the international, national, state and local level to create and enhance Drug Courts; including adult, juvenile, family, reentry and tribal models; DWI Courts, and Veterans Treatment Courts. In 1996, NADCP was the lead organization that developed the landmark and defining publication Defining Drug Courts: The Key Components and is currently leading the development of operational best-practice and accreditation standards for Adult Drug Courts.

Today, the award-winning NADCP is the premier national repository, training, and advocacy organization for the Drug Court model, representing over 30,000 multi-disciplinary justice professionals and community leaders. NADCP hosts the largest multi-disciplinary annual training conference on substance abuse and crime in the world, topping 4,300 attendees this year. In addition, NADCP hosts the nation's only training convention dedicated to efforts to help justice-involved veterans.

NADCP has the experience, resources, and know-how to flawlessly integrate Drug Courts within individual social, legal, political, and cultural contexts. They are often contracted to develop international publications related to Drug Courts, crime and treatment. Learn more at

