Chiropractic Clinic in Westfield Uses Social Media to Connect With Patients, Community

WESTFIELD, N.J., Sept. 1, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- A new Westfield chiropractic center has plugged itself into the world of modern social media to make itself more accessible both locally and nationwide. According to Dr. John Pinto of Advanced Wellness of Westfield, this effort is as beneficial to the clinic as it is to patients and their loved ones seeking help for health-related issues. "Our Facebook page and other social media outlets give people a chance to share questions, concerns and success stories with us even as we offer information, guidance and inspiration to them," says Dr. Pinto.

The clinic's own website includes buttons to connect viewers to its Facebook, Twitter, Bing, Google+, YouTube and other accounts, enabling them to interact with the practitioners and receive updates on various aspects of health and wellness. Dr. Pinto points to the Facebook page as a good example of the types of materials the chiropractic staff shares with visitors. "People can get a steady stream of ideas, news stories, challenging questions and basic information that helps them make better decisions about their own well-being," he says.

Recent examples of informative posts included links to a U.S. News & World Report article on non-dairy sources of calcium, a Health Magazine guide to updating one's exercise routine, and an American Pregnancy Association piece on chiropractic treatment during pregnancy. "We also add numerous little blurbs containing fascinating facts, charts and graphs, and other data that we hope our readers will enjoy and learn from," says Dr. Pinto.

But while many of the clinic's posts offer serious advice and helpful information about diseases and their treatment, the clinic posts material of a lighter nature as well. Visitors to the Facebook page will see numerous examples of humorously-captioned images, witty or thought-provoking quotes from famous figures of the past, and links to articles recounting individuals' success stories in losing weight and overcoming physical setbacks. "We would like our social media presence to be a genuinely inspiring and entertaining part of the larger online community," says Dr. Pinto, noting that a positive, cheerful attitude can actually help to improve overall wellness by reducing stress. He states that such posts may also help people intimidated by the idea of visiting a chiropractor to feel more at ease with the approach presented by Advanced Wellness of Westfield.

The Westfield chiropractor encourages the public to visit the clinic's website at to click on the site's various "Follow" buttons, including those for its Facebook page. "We hope to see and connect not only with local patients and prospective patients, but also with anyone in cyberspace who enjoys making full use of the health resources we make available online."

Advanced Wellness of Westfield provides chiropractic adjustment, spinal decompression, acupuncture, clinical nutrition, cold laser therapy, digital x-rays and other services for area patients.

