Dreaming in Autism

With the support of Selwyn House School And La Tigressa Productions

TORONTO, Oct. 16, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --

Autism Speaks Canada

Dreaming in Autism
With the support of Selwyn House School And La Tigressa Productions

Written and performed by Christine Rodriguez, Directed by Liz Truchanowicz
Tuesday, October 22nd, 2013 7:30pm
At Coristine Hall, Selwyn House School
"I'm just not a routine person, but a child with autism will not let you get away with that."

Montreal September 2013 – Following a successful run at FemFest 2013 in Winnipeg, Dreaming in Autism, returns to Montreal for a one-night engagement, sponsored by Autism Speaks Canada. The play, written by Christine Rodriguez and directed by Liz Truchanowicz, will play in Coristine Hall, at Selwyn House School, on Tuesday, October 22nd at 7:30pm.  

"Dreaming in Autism is a truly beautiful show.  Our audiences were touched by the story, the love that dominates the piece and Christine Rodriguez's sincere performance" says Hope McIntyre, the Artistic Director of FemFest.  "In particular, the high school and university student groups who attended found the show a useful tool in understanding what it is like for those with developmental challenges and their families. A wonderful show and educational vehicle."

Dreaming in Autism is the recipient of the Théâtre Denise-Pelletier Fred-Barry Award for Best Production Design at the 2012 Montreal Fringe Festival and third prize, the Gladys Cameron Watt Award, at Little Ottawa Theatre's 72nd National Playwriting Competition.

Rodriguez explains the inspiration behind the piece: "I wrote this play because I wanted people to know how hard it is to be the parent of a child with special needs; to be a parent period. It's an emotional roller coaster because as a parent you love your child so much - you want your child to succeed, to be happy. When you hit a road block like an autism diagnosis, it can be devastating."

"Our goal in presenting this play is to raise autism awareness so we can embrace it together," comments Krista Leitham, Walk & Community Fundraising Manager for Autism Speaks in Montreal.  "Enter Christine's home where the puzzle of autism is unravelled to suddenly make sense to a wide audience.  She loves like a mom, talks like a parent, reasons like a professional, all in the hopes of securing a happy, safe future filled with dreams come true for her autistic son.  Christine's lessons learned from navigating the unknown will leave you filled with compassion."

All ticket proceeds for the evening benefit Autism Speaks.  With each $20 contribution, audience members receive an income tax receipt and enter a draw to win one free ticket to the Current Trends in Autism Conference taking place November 6th in Montreal, featuring autism advocate Temple Grandin and researchers Dr. Lonnie Zwaigenbaum and Dr. Jonathan Weiss, both funded by Autism Speaks Canada.

"I think Dreaming in Autism presents a unique opportunity where theatre can both entertain and educate," adds Rodriguez.

About Autism Speaks Canada

Autism Speaks Canada is a non-profit organization that raises funds for scientific research and family services community grants.  Our mission is to change the future for all who struggle with autism spectrum disorders.  Autism is a leading neuro-developmental disorder affecting 1 in 88 individuals with effects on social behaviour and communication, and also causing repetitive behaviours.
For more information about autism and Autism Speaks.
About La Tigressa Productions

La Tigressa is an award-winning production company dedicated to bringing to audiences diverse female characters.  The goal of the company is to portray women of colour and mixed heritage in ways that go beyond traditional stereotypes and to place a spotlight on the diversity of women that exists in Canadian society. It's also about having more female voices heard.  Dreaming In Autism is the company's second production.

For a preview of the show and further information about La Tigressa Productions.

Dreaming In Autism
Coristine Hall
Selwyn House School
95 Côte St-Antoine, Westmount H3Y 2H8

Dates: One night only: Tuesday October 22nd, 2013.  7:30pm.
Running time: 50 minutes

Tickets: All ticket proceeds benefit Autism Speaks Canada.  Option 1: $10 donation; or option 2: $20 donation and  receive a tax receipt plus enter the draw to win one (1) free ticket to the "Current Trends in Autism Conference" on November 6th in Montreal featuring autism advocate Temple Grandin and Autism Speaks Canada's funded researchers Dr. Lonnie Zwaigebaum and Dr. Jonathan Weiss.

Reservations: 514-518-3880 • latigressa@live.ca.
If you would like to interview playwright/performer Christine Rodriguez or director Liz Truchanowicz:
Christine Rodriguez (514) 518-3880, latigressa@live.ca
If you would like to interview Krista Leitham of Autism Speaks:
Krista Leitham (514) 587-6380

Christine Rodriguez- Playwright/Actor

Christine Rodriguez is a writer and performer who's play Dreaming in Autism has placed her on the proverbial map. The play was awarded third prize at Ottawa Little Theatre's 72nd National One-Act Playwriting Competition. Adjudicator Garry Davey says the play is a "strongly imagined piece with a distinctive style" and that it is "both funny and heart-breaking at times." Dreaming in Autism was also nominated for Chapters Best English Script and won the Théâtre Denise-Pelletier Fred-Barry Award for Best Production Design at the 2012 Montreal Fringe Festival. Other acting credits include: Hollywood film Warm Bodies; and in theatre, The Arrangement and Callback.  Christine's work is largely informed by her mixed-race heritage and her multicultural environment.

Liz Truchanowicz- Director

Recent directing credits include: The Butler Did It produced by Lakeshore Players, Dreaming in Autism produced by La Tigressa Productions, nominated for theChapter's Best Anglophone Script, MainLine Theatre Next Stage Award, and won the Théâtre Denise-Pelletier Prix Fred-Barry for Best Production Design at the 2012 Montreal Fringe Awards; 4.48 Psychosis produced by theatre In Actu, nominated for a 2009-2010 MECCA (Montreal English Critics Circle Award) for Best Director, Best Actress, Best Lighting Design, and winning for Best Sound Design; Home/Chez Moi for the Journées de la Culture 2011; Rosencrantz & Guildenstern are Dead produced by Unicorn Theatre; and others. She is the Compass Points Curator, a program for students and emerging artists, at the Magnetic North Theatre Festival, Canada's national festival of contemporary English theatre. She holds an MFA in Directing from the University of Ottawa and is a member of the Lincoln Center Theater's Directors Lab.


