Northrop Grumman Awarded DoD Civil Engineering Support Task Order

HERNDON, Va. – Oct. 24, 2013 – The General Services Administration (GSA), in partnership with the Air Force Civil Engineer Center (AFCEC), has awarded Northrop Grumman Corporation (NYSE:NOC) the worldwide resource efficiency management (REM) support services task order.

The $38 million task includes one base year and two option years.

"We are very pleased to be selected to continue our more than 30 years of supporting the U.S. Air Force civil engineering mission. Our team provides critical skills and technical expertise that are aligned with the Air Force's ever-evolving requirements," said Bill Carty, vice president and general manager of Northrop Grumman's Defense and Government Services division.

Northrop Grumman, in partnership with SAIN Engineering, Birmingham, Ala., and TetraTech, Pasadena, Calif., will provide REM support to the Air Force Civil Engineer Center, Air Force Major Commands and Air Force bases throughout the world. This support will include assisting the Air Force in identifying opportunities for cost-effective energy and water conservation measures.

"Northrop Grumman has more than 20 years of sustained performance excellence in support of our Air Force civil engineering customer," said Mark Perodeau, engineering, manufacturing and systems support program manager. "We look forward to continuing our support to AFCEC and to providing them with increased capabilities that result in enhanced solutions that are more efficient and affordable."

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