Photo Release -- Ricardo Salinas Sees Important Growth Opportunities in Mexico

—In an interview with U.S. broadcast journalist Charlie Rose, Ricardo Salinas said growth potential would be even greater if Mexico emphasized the value of effort more strongly—

—He added that free trade between Mexico and the U.S, is an important benefit that should not be underestimated when making investment decisions—

MEXICO CITY, Nov. 4, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Grupo Salinas (, a group of dynamic, fast-growing and technologically advanced companies, deeply committed to the modernization of the countries in which they operate, announced that its Chairman, Ricardo Salinas, recently appeared on Charlie Rose. The program was originally transmitted on PBS on Oct. 31, and retransmitted on Bloomberg TV on November 1.

A photo accompanying this release is available at

During the interview, Mr. Salinas said that there are great opportunities for growth in Mexico, because about half of its people are young —25 years or younger, which is an important engine for growth as new households emerge. He also stressed that a culture of legality and values that link effort to economic success are essential to prosperity.

He called out education as one of the single most important factors in reducing poverty, and the need to create opportunities for all members of society so they can develop their abilities.

He emphasized the benefits of free trade between Mexico and the U.S., and the advantages of Mexico compared to other nations as a destination for foreign investment. He further detailed the large, educated workforce and the geographic location of Mexico as important competitive advantages.

Finally, he commented on the relevance of the new legal framework for telecommunications in Mexico, which seeks a more level playing field, as important for attracting future investment in the industry. Competition on all levels, including political and economic competition, is important for the development of society.

To visit the full interview, please go to

About Grupo Salinas

Grupo Salinas ( is a group of dynamic, fast growing, and technologically advanced companies focused on creating shareholder value, building the Mexican middle class, and improving society through excellence. Created by Mexican entrepreneur Ricardo B. Salinas (, Grupo Salinas operates as a management development and decision forum for the top leaders of member companies. These companies include: Azteca ( ; Azteca America (, Grupo Elektra (, Banco Azteca (, Advance America(, Afore Azteca (, Seguros Azteca ( and Grupo Iusacell ( Each of the Grupo Salinas companies operates independently, with its own management, board of directors and shareholders. Grupo Salinas has no equity holdings.

Ricardo Salinas on the "Charlie Rose" Show
