TechAmerica Foundation Honored for Leadership on Big Data

WASHINGTON, Nov. 13, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The TechAmerica Foundation has been honored by the Networking and Information Technology R&D (NITRD) program for its role as a Launch Partner for Building the Data Innovation Ecosystem. The recognition was for the first-of-a-kind Big Data Roadshow as well as leadership in encouraging public/private sector cooperation and partnership to foster the use of Big Data in government application.

The NITRD Program, organized under the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), is a collaboration of federal research and development agencies and the nation's primary source of federally funded breakthroughs in advanced information technologies such as computing, networking, and software.

"The TechAmerica Foundation has worked hard to encourage the integration of Big Data into government through the public/private partnership model. First with the Commission on Big Data, which produced the report Demystifying Big Data: A Practical Guide to Transforming the Business of Government and now with the Big Data Roadshow," said Shawn Osborne, Chairman of the TechAmerica Foundation. "As part of the Administration's call to multiple stakeholders to forge new partnerships around data innovation, the TechAmerica Foundation took the conversation of the power of Big Data on the road, showcasing practical applications of Big Data in the realm of healthcare and energy."

The TechAmerica Foundation just wrapped up a series of expert events on Big Data application at the intersection of public and private entities. The events, dubbed the Big Data Road Show, were held in Austin, TX, Boston, MA and Stanford, CA and brought together experts to discuss the use of Big Data in the areas of both energy and public health.

"Having the White House drive the conversation on the transformational power of Big Data to all sectors of our country, is critical in seeing the full potential realized. We have long underscored that the public/private relationship will be key in this conversation and we are thrilled to be standing alongside the Administration in taking Big Data to the next level, " concluded Mr. Osborne. "We look forward to continuing to partner with the Administration on integrating the power of Big Data into the way government serves Americans."

The recognition was presented yesterday prior to the beginning of a Big Data Summit - Data to Knowledge to Action, sponsored by NITRD and OSTP, where several major initiatives were announced that will further the public/private partnership model and bring the revolution of Big Data to all corners of society.

About TechAmerica Foundation

The TechAmerica Foundation educates industry executives, policy makers and opinion leaders on the promise of technological innovation to advance prosperity, security and the general welfare. Launched in 1981, the Foundation is a 501c(3) non-profit, non-partisan affiliate of TechAmerica, which is the leading voice and resource for the U.S. technology industry. The Foundation disseminates award-winning industry, policy and market research covering topics such as U.S. competitiveness in a global economy, innovation in government, and other areas of national interest. It also organizes conferences and seminars to explore pertinent issues with government and industry representatives and to share the Foundation's findings. Learn more about TechAmerica Foundation at

