Garcinia Cambogia Extract - Latest Clinical Data Released

Investigated Reviews, Has Revealed the Most Important Garcinia Cambogia Extract Facts, Safety and Side Effects Info. To the Press

Philadelphia, PA, Jan. 15, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ( -- Pure Garcinia Cambogia has gained significant popularity for weight loss and dieting, but it is important to note that not all formulations work the same way. Many people have fallen victim to products that are lower in quality and have little to no effect. Because people have become disappointed, Walters has taken the clinical data and analyzed it again, gleaning key insights that are worthy of release to the press so that people regain faith in this supplement without fear of side effects.

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Significant Updates from Investigated Reviews:

The primary purpose of this release is to help people understand the best ways to avoid the impostors and buy only genuine products from a select group of providers. The results of these new investigations are spreading quickly through the health industry.  The significant updates from Investigated Reviews show the latest methods for using the supplement successfully and identify the best providers.

The report also includes help with checking for the level of hydroxycitric acid, the active ingredient, using the supplement over the long term for improved health, and finding the brands with the best ratings.

Investigated Reviews has managed the Garcinia Cambogia Extract analysis. This company seeks out specialists to provide analyses with the highest degree of accuracy. This means that readers can trust the information that appears in these reports. It is the solid reputation of these specialists that has caught the attention of the media for this particular release.

Proper Utilization of the Supplement:

A spokesperson at Investigated Reviews explains that Walters' advice about the proper utilization of Garcinia Cambogia for dieting purposes comes from information that has only been revealed in the most recent studies. By conducting a meta-review of the information, Walters has pulled out important details that people must consider before purchasing Garcinia Cambogia supplements on the Internet.

The hydroxycitric acid levels are the most important number to check, as it is the active ingredient. The report also includes predictions about the effects that the supplement often has on the body. This keeps the customer from encountering any unpleasant surprises while on the plan.

For the full news report, please visit:

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