Response Scientific(R) Provides Unique New Approach in the Race to Develop Oral Insulin

Microvail(TM) Microencapsulation Technology Favored Delivery Method for Oral Insulin

PRINCETON, N.J., Feb. 27, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Diabetes is an epidemic. Nearly 26 million children and adults in the United States have diabetes, that's almost 10% of the entire population including 25% of all seniors. Over 79 million have prediabetes. It is expected that as many as 1 in 3 American adults will have diabetes by 2050 if present trends continue. The economic cost of diagnosed diabetes in America is over $245B per year.

For professionals on the front lines of the war on diabetes, finding easier ways to treat and support patients is critical. "Oral insulin has always been the 'most desirable' means for delivering insulin to diabetic patients," says Response Scientific's CEO, Gregg Webster. "The challenge is getting the insulin past the stomach where acids and enzymes destroy the insulin before reaching the bloodstream."

Although several leading companies have been working to overcome this particular problem, it seems that only Response Scientific has the current advantage of a new highly-advanced protective microencapsulation technology they are calling Microvail.™

While insulin injection is mandatory for Type 1 Diabetes patients, when confronting high A1C levels in Type 2 patients, more and more physicians are prescribing insulin for a more immediate effect on patient outcomes. Unfortunately, many patients fear having to inject themselves daily, and ask their physician for alternative oral medications, while promising to adhere to a recommended diet and exercise program. These programs oftentimes fail due to lack of long-term compliance coupled with complacency, when positive results don't happen quickly.

The Chairman of Response Scientific's Advisory Team, Emmanuel C. Opara, PhD., began developing microencapsulation technologies over 18 years ago. At that time, the project's goal was to protect cells from autoimmune rejection during transplantation from one species to another. Today, those efforts have resulted in a microencapsulation technology that will affect broad areas of medicine, health and even nutrition.

"It's important to understand that we are not trying to create a new drug," says Mr. Webster. "New drugs require years of FDA approved clinical trials and tens of millions in development costs. Response Scientific is seeking to deliver an existing, long-acting insulin to the bloodstream via a new controlled drug delivery method."

Response Scientific has assigned the code name RSM-063 to the project, and will be closing new investment rounds to support continued development of RSM-063, as well as the launch and marketing efforts for additional Microvail micronutrient nutraceutical products to be released this year in the Canadian market.

About Response Scientific®

Response Scientific is an innovative research company at the forefront of developing revolutionary new healthcare treatments. Response Scientific is the developer of the breakthrough Microvail™ products, highly bioavailable microencapsulated micronutrients proven to deliver more contents into the bloodstream.

Response Scientific is located in Princeton, New Jersey and can be reached at (609) 228-5788 or

