Westfield Chiropractors Introduce Tuesday "Health and Wellness Nights"

WESTFIELD, N.J., March 6, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Westfield chiropractors Dr. John Pinto, Dr. Michael Batla and Dr. Jefrey Roseff of Advanced Wellness of Westfield are starting a new tradition they are calling "Health Night." Every Tuesday evening from 7:00-8:00 they will host a healthy activity or lecture at their chiropractic care center. According to Dr. Pinto, these Health Nights will focus on health and wellness education and supporting people as they make healthy lifestyle choices. The activities will vary from week to week, he says, and will include lectures, movies, exercise and nutrition classes and more. Health Night is free and open to the public.

Dr. Batla, one of the Westfield chiropractors, explains the reasons behind the new tradition: "Every year, we meet people who had good intentions for starting healthy New Year's resolutions or goals and then, due to getting too busy or losing focus or falling into old habits, those resolutions go off the rails. It happens to everybody at some point. So we wanted to do something to help our patients and everyone in the Westfield community. Our goal is to give them a space and a time just once a week where they can focus on their health and keep their wellness goals alive."

Dr. Roseff adds, "What people often need to keep their goals is a support system—a group of supportive friends who can give them that extra nudge in the right direction. We really hope that Tuesday Health Nights will become that positive support system for a lot of people."

According to Dr. Pinto, the focus of their Tuesday Health Nights will be health education that people can put into action immediately. "We plan to focus a lot on exercise, nutrition, healthy posture and form while exercising, and so on. As my colleagues and I continue in our practice and study of chiropractic care, we are always learning new ideas and tips we can pass on to people to help them be healthier. People should come dressed in comfortable clothes they can exercise in. They should be ready to try new healthy recipes. It will be different each week, but there will be a lot of participation and opportunity for people to try new, exciting and healthy things."

Dr. Batla says that people should also come expecting to have fun. "We plan to mix it up each week and we are hoping people will enjoy meeting new people who have similar health goals. He adds that people with questions can call them for details on each week's scheduled activity."

Advanced Wellness of Westfield is a health and wellness center providing chiropractic care that includes the Atlas Orthogonal Technique, acupuncture, exercise and nutrition counseling, cold laser therapy and several other services.

