Contiki Vacations Encourages You to #Emptythebucket in Only 6 Seconds

Youth travel company launches Vine video campaign for millennial market

Anaheim, Calif., April 18, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Millennials have emerged as a list-happy generation, eagerly discovering "10 Best…" lists for everything from 80's teen idols to their favorite cereal.  However, they often neglect one particular list that they're constantly filling but never emptying out - their own travel bucket list. 

With the goal to help connect young travelers to the time of their lives, Contiki Vacations is looking to change this mindset with the launch of their #EMPTYTHEBUCKET: 6 Seconds to Adventure contest (, a five-week campaign that will get potential travelers to stop making lists and start making unforgettable memories.

From now and running through May 22, Contiki Vacations is asking 18-35 year olds to "empty their bucket list" by submitting a video using the popular video app Vine.  Without getting their tongues twisted, contestants must spout out as many bucket list-worthy items - in six seconds flat - that they would want to experience in the world.  Six lucky winners with a knack for speedy vernacular, a quirky personality, silly facial expressions, or a clever Vine that makes us laugh, will be selected to take a Contiki trip that help fulfills some of the bucket list wishes that they managed to squeeze into their video. 

"In this digital age, it has become easier to discover new experiences and place them in our own "bucket list," said Rita Kelly, Director of Marketing with Contiki Vacations.  "With this competition, we hope young travelers are inspired to start making memories and empty their bucket lists with Contiki." 

To help promote the contest, Vine superstars Brittany Furlan, Jessica Cook, and Thomas Carpino will be sharing their own six-second bucket lists on their Vine channels, while camera shy travelers who want to book a Contiki now can take advantage of three special deals on 18 different Contiki Europe trips featured at

About Contiki Vacations

Contiki is the world leader in youth travel experiences, a brand that is all about discovery, epic moments and making every second count. Our journeys unlock the local way of life in each and every destination we visit, and with over 200 trips in more than 50 countries, we see every day as the start of a new adventure.

Contiki is a part of a joint initiative with The TreadRight Foundation, a not-for-profit foundation established by The Travel Corporation to encourage sustainable tourism within our own family of brands and in the places we visit. To date, TreadRight has donated more than US$2 million to sustainable tourism projects around the world. To find out more about our work with TreadRight visit:

