Magnani Caruso Dutton to Present "The Importance of Customer Involvement" During Internet Week New York

Panelists from Discover Financial Services, TurnTo and MCD will share experiences in customer-centric digital product development

New York, May 15, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Customers can be one of the most valuable sources of input for developing new digital products, but many brands don't know where to begin, what data to use or how to collaborate with consumers effectively. In an upcoming discussion hosted by digital customer experience agency Magnani Caruso Dutton (MCD), an expert panel will discuss meaningful ways to get customers involved in order to make better digital products and experiences.

As part of Internet Week New York, the event will be held on Tuesday, May 20, 2014 from 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. at MCD, 138 W. 25th St., 5th Floor in New York City, and will be followed by Q&A and networking. Frozen margaritas will be available throughout.

Panelists include Dan Gingiss, director of Digital Customer Experience at Discover Financial Services; George Eberstadt, CEO and founder of TurnTo, provider of a community Q&A system for assisted shopping and self-service customer support; and John Caruso, creative director and partner, MCD.

Topics to be discussed by the panelists include:

-       How brands can benefit from letting their customers help shape the next digital products.

-       When to invite customer involvement or use data in the product development process.

-       Real-world examples from Discover Card and Samsung.

 "Gaining actionable insights from customers is one of the most important parts of the digital product development process. And it doesn't have to be hard to do," said Caruso. "During this discussion, we'll explore how brands can listen to consumers to improve their digital experiences and drive innovation and growth for their organizations."

The "Importance of Customer Involvement Drink and Learn" is free and open to all. Please click here to RSVP in one step:

About Magnani Caruso Dutton

Magnani Caruso Dutton (MCD) is a digital customer experience agency that helps some of the world's most recognizable brands make profitable and more meaningful connections with their customers. Learn more at

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