My Compassion Brings Cannabis Education to AutismOne Conference

CHICAGO, May 19, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- May 21st through 25th marks the twelfth annual AutismOne Conference in Chicago, Illinois! The AutismOne conference, which will be held at the InterContinental Chicago O'Hare Hotel, is intended to foster new research and support that will benefit the lives of those diagnosed with Autism - as well as the patients' friends and family. AutismOne is a "place for families to grow" and learn more about autism and potential new methods of treatment for the disease. The current agenda for the four-day long conference will contain several key-note speakers who will be presenting "the most cutting-edge autism awareness and treatment discoveries." This conference offers a unique opportunity for researchers, academics, doctors, patients and families to come together and discuss the most pressing current issues in autism research and treatment.

One current issue is the plethora of disorders associated with Autism and how to effectively treat these. Due to the high proportion of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) patients who also suffer from seizure and epilepsy disorders, AutismOne will provide access to information regarding new forms of epilepsy treatment at this year's conference. One such resource is My Compassion, a leading 501(c)(3) non-profit aimed at educating the public on the positive benefits of medical cannabis. My Compassion and its collegiate division SAMRC, has first-hand experience with epilepsy patients, especially in Michigan where epilepsy is a qualifying condition for medical cannabis treatments. Michigan patients suffering from epilepsy and seizures have had such success with medical cannabis that My Compassion is excited to bring awareness about this to the AutismOne conference in Chicago, especially as Illinois gears up to start their own medicinal cannabis program.

Through their interactions with parents and patients at the AutismOne conference, My Compassion will bring the resources and tools for parents of children diagnosed with autism to make educated decisions on whether medical cannabis may be an option to treat their child's seizures and epilepsy in the future. "My Compassion is committed to increasing awareness and understanding about the use of cannabis through public outreach and furthering education", says Heidi Parikh, Founder and Executive Director, My Compassion. We hope you will join us at the twelfth annual AutismOne conference in learning more about the impact medical cannabis may have in the Autism community.

For more information about the AutismOne conference, visit:

For more information about My Compassion, visit:


