Keller Rohrback L.L.P. Announces Reinstatement of Wage Lawsuit Against AutoZone

SEATTLE, May 20, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Keller Rohrback L.L.P. announces that the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals recently reversed the lower court's decision in Taylor v. AutoZone, Inc. concerning the wage and hour claims of approximately 1,400 AutoZone Store Managers. Keller Rohrback, which has offices in Phoenix, Seattle, Santa Barbara and New York, represents the certified class of AutoZone Store Managers in the litigation that alleges violations of the Fair Labor Standards Act ("FLSA").

The Ninth Circuit decision was issued by a panel of three distinguished judges, who ruled unanimously that the lower court's entry of summary judgment against the Store Managers was erroneous because evidence supported the Store Mangers' claims and could not be ignored.

The case now returns to district court in Phoenix for trial. The central issue is whether AutoZone properly classifies its Store Managers as "executives" as defined by the FLSA, and is therefore entitled to withhold overtime pay. The Store Managers contend that they are not really "executives" because the majority of their work was decidedly "non-executive" (for example, routine sales work, store cleaning, and shelf-stocking), and they are entitled to overtime pay. AutoZone Store Managers typically work 50-70 hours per week. Keller Rohrback attorney Mark Samson noted: "We are very pleased with this result. The issue is an important one, as some modern business practice models seek to remove true managerial discretion and authority while maintaining the ability to force workers to work long hours without overtime pay."

If you would like to know more information about the Taylor v. AutoZone, Inc. case or your rights as an AutoZone Store Manager, please contact attorney David Copley or paralegal Mae Oberste at (800) 776-6044 or via email at

Keller Rohrback L.L.P. serves as lead and co-lead counsel in lawsuits throughout the country and is proud to offer its expertise to clients nationwide, and our trial lawyers have obtained judgments and settlements on behalf of clients in excess of seven billion dollars.


