Feinstein Institute Celebrates Women in Science during National Women's Health Week

MANHASSET, N.Y., May 22, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- A group of female scientists, Advancing Women in Science and Medicine (AWSM), recently hosted its third annual awards breakfast on May 14 in celebration of National Women's Health Week and in recognition of the numerous scientific accomplishments achieved at The Feinstein Institute for Medical Research and across the North Shore-LIJ Health System. Scientists, educators, business and community leaders from throughout the region attended the May 14th event to celebrate excellence and achievements of women in science.

"AWSM promotes the cultivation of an environment where women who have a passion and talent for science excel, instead of being held back by stereotypes, and they are recognized for their scientific and leadership excellence," said Christine Metz, PhD, investigator at the Feinstein Institute and president of AWSM.

Awards in scientific excellence, innovation, mentorship, education and training, ranging from $1,500 to $20,000, were presented to following female faculty at the Feinstein Institute:

1. Ona Bloom, PhD
2. Nadeen Chahine, PhD
3. Amanda Chan, PhD
4. Sangeeta Chavan, PhD
5. Anne Davidson, MBBS
6. Concepcion Goldberg, MD, PhD
7. Annette Lee, PhD
8. Alexandra Lucs, PhD
9. Nataly Manjarrez Orduño
10. Christine Metz, PhD
11. Patricia Mongini, PhD
12. Kaie Ojamaa, PhD
13. Frances Santiago-Schwarz, PhD
14. Barbara Sherry, PhD
15. Bettie Steinberg, PhD
16. Maria Ruggieri, PhD
17. Yong-Rui Zou, PhD

The AWSM Girl Scout Award was also presented during the event. The winner of this award, Margaret Miller, an 11th grade student at Farmingdale High School and a member of the Girl Scouts of Nassau County, will receive research training as a summer intern at the Feinstein Institute and a $2,000 scholarship funded by AWSM to support educational opportunities.

Elizabeth Gould, PhD, the Dorman T. Warren Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience at Princeton University, also spoke at the event and was awarded the 2014 AWSM Award for Excellence. The award was conferred in recognition of her outstanding achievements in science, strong leadership skills and commitment to advancing women's careers. Dr. Gould offered this advice during her remarks: "Women should not take to heart what they hear from naysayers, and should power on to persevere."

In addition, artist and philanthropist, Elizabeth Jordan, presented and spoke about her light installations called "Refraction," for which all proceeds will be donated to AWSM. Refraction, which Jordan created in partnership with Michelle Ort and Chris Zeppieri, combine contemporary art with science to create light sculptures and photographs.

About Advancing Women in Science and Medicine (AWSM)

Advancing Women in Science and Medicine (AWSM) was created in an effort to advance the career opportunities and career satisfaction of female scientists at the Feinstein Institute. AWSM is comprised of female faculty members who lead programs in basic, translational and clinical research. The group elected Christine Metz, PhD, as president, and Nadeen Chahine, PhD, as vice president. The four core initiatives of AWSM are in the areas of career development, recognition, advocacy and education, and networking, and mentoring.

About The Feinstein Institute for Medical Research

Headquartered in Manhasset, NY, The Feinstein Institute for Medical Research is home to international scientific leaders in many areas including Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, psychiatric disorders, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, sepsis, human genetics, pulmonary hypertension, leukemia, neuroimmunology, and medicinal chemistry. The Feinstein Institute, part of the North Shore-LIJ Health System, ranks in the top 6th percentile of all National Institutes of Health grants awarded to research centers. 


