Kivuto Solutions Receives In-TAC Donor of the Year Award

OTTAWA, CANADA, June 3, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- For the second year in a row, Kivuto Solutions Inc., the world's leading provider of hosted, flexible and scalable solutions for complex digital distribution requirements, has been recognized for its continuing support of the International Talent Acquisition Centre (In-TAC), an Ottawa-based organization that connects internationally-trained IT professionals with local employers. Kivuto received the prestigious Donor of the Year award at In-TAC's 5th Annual Appreciation Gala.

"I know I speak for the entire team at Kivuto when I say that it's an honor to be recognized by In-TAC for our ongoing support of their efforts to link talented individuals with Ottawa employers," said Ram Raju, President and CEO of Kivuto Solutions. "Our team includes many people who have been trained outside of Canada and have been hired through In-TAC programs. They are a key to our success because of the cross-cultural expertise and language skills they bring to the table that have helped Kivuto bridge cultural gaps and expand into global markets. We look forward to continuing to support In-TAC in its efforts in this area."

The Donor of the Year Award was presented at In-TAC's 5th Annual Gala on May 2. Local business leaders, community stakeholders, government representatives and newcomer graduates of In-TAC's programs, gathered at the National Arts Center in Ottawa to celebrate another year of successful partnerships and collaborations. The gala recognized the success of the talented internationally educated professionals (IEPs) who are now actively engaged in the Canadian workforce. It also provided an opportunity to acknowledge In-TAC's over 400 employer partners who recognize top talent and know that diversity and inclusiveness offer tangible business benefits. In-TAC also recognized community stakeholder partners who, through their generous funding and support allow the organization to offer a comprehensive range of employment services.

In 2013 Kivuto President Ram Raju received the In-TAC IMPACT Award for his continuing support of In-TAC's efforts through Kivuto's proactive hiring practices. In 2012 alone, Kivuto hired 16 graduates of In-TAC's employment programs.

About In-TAC

The International Talent Acquisition Centre (In-TAC) is the employer services division of the Ottawa Chinese Community Service Centre (OCCSC). It provides seamless integration services that bring together internationally-trained professionals and employers through a variety of programs. In addition to its job matching service, In-TAC also offers cultural competency training – free of charge – to participating employers on how to recruit, integrate, and retain international talent into their work environments.

About Kivuto

Kivuto Solutions is the world's leading provider of advanced digital distribution and management solutions that enable the secure delivery of digital goods to individuals, businesses, and organizations anywhere in the world. Kivuto simplifies the process of delivering any digital good to any market under virtually any terms and conditions. Over 60,000 academic institutions and departments trust Kivuto to manage and distribute software to their students, faculty and staff. The company distributes software in 195 countries and supports 14 languages.


