Vitality Health & Wellness Center of WI Announces Summer HCG Weight Loss Program

ELM GROVE, Wis., June 15, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Vitality Health & Wellness Center of WI has announced the launch of a weight loss program. The HCG diet program is designed to help patients lose weight and feel healthier for the summer. The diet program includes HCG supplements and dietary counseling to help patients make long-term lifestyle changes that will support healthy weight loss. According to Dr. Arthur Rapkin, the founder and director of Vitality Health & Wellness Center, the HCG weight loss program helps patients meet summer weight loss goals and feel confident in their bodies, just in time for swimsuit season.

Individuals who are struggling to meet their summer weight loss goals may benefit from the HCG diet program launched by Vitality Health & Wellness Center of WI. The program is designed to support sustained, manageable daily weight loss and may be able to help patients lose up to two pounds each day. The price of the program's start up package is $95.

"Long-term medical weight loss starts with sustained, manageable daily weight loss," said Dr. Arthur Rapkin, founder and director of Vitality Health & Wellness. "Unfortunately, many 'lose weight quick' programs starve the body and crash the metabolism. The HCG approach to weight loss is different; it focuses on sustained loss, which makes a real difference for our patients."

HCG is a natural hormone that is produced by pregnant women to monitor metabolic function during pregnancy. Studies show that HCG may be able to help individuals lose weight by speeding up metabolic function. According to Dr. Rapkin, when HCG supplements are combined with a low-calorie diet, patients are able to maintain a steady, sustained weight loss.

"Many of our patients initially lose up to two pounds each day," said Dr. Rapkin. "HCG works by firing up the metabolism. Consequently, patients will need to consume far fewer calories than they normally do while still benefitting from sustained energy levels."

Dr. Rapkin recommends the HCG diet program to individuals who are having a difficult time losing weight or sticking to dietary changes. According to Dr. Rapkin, long-term weight loss can be difficult, especially for individuals who are struggling to stick to a restrictive diet.

"The problem with many weight loss programs is that they rely on restrictive diets that are simply impossible to maintain for an extended period," said Dr. Rapkin. "Consequently, individuals may lose a few pounds and then gain all the weight back as soon as they stop dieting. Certain dietary supplements can have a big impact on long-term weight loss because they kick-start the metabolism. These supplements also make it easier for patients to stick to their dietary plan."

In addition to its weight loss program, Vitality Health and Wellness center also offers acupuncture, laser therapy, and other wellness services.

