Atlanta Chiropractor Combines Acting With Passion for Wellness Care

ATLANTA, July 6, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Atlanta chiropractor Dr. Jared Simon, who founded the Atlanta Actors Healthnet, is also well known in local performing arts circles for his acting appearances and is a member of the Screen Actors Guild. He has combined his passion for chiropractic care and acting by working with fellow entertainers both as a chiropractor and an actor. In addition to his upcoming performances on a number of television shows, he will be performing in "Driving Miss Daisy" in September at the Aurora Theatre.

Atlanta chiropractor Dr. Jared Simon is combining his passion for wellness care and love of acting, delivering unique services for the Atlanta community. He is the chiropractor for the Atlanta Screen Actors Guild and the Atlanta Equity Actors Union, and is well known in performing arts circles.

Dr. Simon's practice, Century Center Chiropractic, provides wellness care services that include auto accident injury treatment, sports injury rehabilitation, drug-free back and neck pain management, and the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome and TMJ. Dr. Simon uses a "whole person" approach when treating patients, stressing the importance of achieving whole body health from within.

Dr. Simon has treated a number of high-profile actors from television, movies, and theater, as well as notable entertainers and athletes. This is a natural extension of his passion for acting.

Dr. Simon recently appeared on Drop Dead Diva (Season 6 Premier, "Truth and Consequences"), Necessary Roughness (Season 2, "Regret Me Not") and Nashville (Season 2, "All or Nothing With Me"). The Atlanta chiropractor is also currently filming the second episode for Season 2 of "Sleepy Hollow," where he will be featured as the polygraph examiner questioning Captain Irving. He will appear in a stage performance of "Driving Miss Daisy" this September, and is currently appearing in a Capital One advertisement with Charles Barkley.

According to Dr. Simon, his passion for acting and work with fellow actors and entertainers has allowed him to better understand the unique health challenges facing individuals in the entertainment industry. To address these challenges, he founded the "Atlanta Actors Healthnet." This ongoing program brings various physicians together to address the special health needs of performing artists.

"Thanks to my close relationships with the acting community, I've seen firsthand the health challenges that can result from on-the-set accidents and general wear and tear," said Dr. Simon. "I founded the Atlanta Actors Healthnet to address these challenges, and am proud to work closely with many talented actors both professionally as a chiropractor and also on set as an actor myself."

In addition to his primetime television appearances, Dr. Simon has appeared on NBC's "Peachtree Morning" and WGST radio as a chiropractic expert on back pain.

To learn more about Dr. Simon's work with the acting community, including the Atlanta Actors Healthnet, please contact Century Center Chiropractic.

