Imagination Introduces Industry's Smallest Android GPU Solution

Tiny, Low-Power PowerVR IP Core Targets Wearables, IoT and Other Small Footprint Embedded Applications

LONDON, July 16, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Imagination Technologies (LSE:IMG) announces a new PowerVR graphics processor IP core that provides the industry's smallest Android compatible GPU solution. This latest addition to the line-up at an incredibly small 0.55mm2 (250MHz in 28nm) silicon footprint features full OpenGL ES 2.0 capability, ultra-low power consumption, and Imagination's advanced PVRTC texture compression technology.

With the new PowerVR Series5XE GX5300 core, companies can create compelling GUIs and user experiences with longer battery life for a range of low-cost, area constrained applications.

Imagination's PowerVR GPUs are the de facto standard for mobile and embedded graphics. The new GX5300 core builds upon previous Series5 devices, with substantial improvements in efficiency, providing an ideal low-power solution for entry-level smartphones, wearables, IoT and other small footprint embedded applications. The GX5300 features PowerVR's programmable shader-based tile based deferred rendering (TBDR) architecture that leads to high performance efficiency and the lowest power consumption per frame. Imagination's industry-leading PVRTC technology ensures minimum memory footprint and superior image quality.

Tony King-Smith, EVP marketing, Imagination, says: "While Imagination has long been known for our leadership in high-end mobile and embedded graphics, the inherent scalability and power efficiency of the PowerVR architecture enables us to provide the best GPU solutions across the entire spectrum of consumer devices. We have leading products across all segments of mobile, consumer and embedded devices, and new GPU cores such as the tiny GX5300 core demonstrate our leadership for the entry-level. We see many compelling opportunities such as low-cost smartphones and tablets, wearables and IoT devices. Imagination's silicon IP will be at the center of many of these devices with our PowerVR GPUs, video and vision processors, MIPS CPUs and Ensigma Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, complemented by our FlowCloud device-to-cloud software platform."

The PowerVR GX5300 has been designed for graphics efficiency in ultra-compact silicon area, obtaining better real device performance and compatibility without unnecessary overhead. This GPU is optimized for small footprint devices, yet does not compromise functionality, with full support for APIs such as OpenGL ES 2.0, and Imagination's industry-leading PVRTC as well as all major texture compression formats.

Software and tools support

Imagination provides developers with free access to the PowerVR Graphics SDK, a cross-platform toolkit designed to support all aspects of 3D graphics application development. Developers can join the PowerVR Insider community, download the SDK for free and interact with the community of 45,000+ members through developer forums at


The PowerVR GX5300 core is available for licensing now. Contact for more information.

About PowerVR Graphics

The PowerVR graphics processor (GPU) family leads the market in technological capability, roadmap breadth and ecosystem, and is by far the most adopted and shipped technology of its kind. PowerVR graphics IP comprises a comprehensive portfolio of the industry's leading graphics processors, supporting a broad range of applications. See:

About Imagination Technologies

Imagination is a global technology leader whose products touch the lives of billions of people across the globe. The company's broad range of silicon IP (intellectual property) includes the key processing blocks needed to create the SoCs (Systems on Chips) that power all mobile, consumer and embedded electronics. Its unique software IP, infrastructure technologies and system solutions enable its customers get to market quickly with complete and highly differentiated SoC platforms. Imagination's licensees include many of the world's leading semiconductor manufacturers, network operators and OEMs/ODMs who are creating some of the world's most iconic products. See:

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